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Celebrity Contraction

When the Mass Media and/or tabloids combine the names of linked celebrities to save precious column space. ie. Bennifer, Brangelina

Guy: Did you hear Demishton just got married?
Girl: What?
Guy: Demishton, you know Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.
Girl: Oh that is the Worst Celebrity Contraction ever.

by Ben Faulding September 27, 2005

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double contraction

A unique weapon of grammar combining words in a fashion similar to a contraction, but with three words and two apostrophes instead of two and one, respectively. Usually used by people who are too important to speak with any normal regard for english.

"I wouldn't've used a double contraction."
"I'd've told you about double contractions, but I would have had to kill you."

by A. Robert Dowson August 11, 2006

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Contract Marriage

A marriage to a military member strictly for that member to collect BAH and BAS. Often times there is no obligation to the spouse.

She got a contract marriage just so she could get out of the barraks and get that extra money. she better hope her command doesnt find out!

by Dracco February 19, 2009

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Contract Wars

A Russian based Free to play First person shooter with RPG elements. It runs on the Unity engine and is browser based. It is a depiction of where all combat is taken on by private military companies (P.M.C.s). All of the fighting shown is between B.E.A.R. and U.S.E.C. groups. It has great graphics, it is pretty balanced, has interesting maps, and focuses entirely on multiplayer games. It can be played on Kongregate and Facebook.

Gilda: "Hey what is a good shooter game that not every one has hear of yet?"

Gustav: "Contract wars is pretty good."

Gilda: "Cool, I'll try it out."

by Gak!? June 4, 2014

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poop contractions

When you've been harboring a major cable so long that your body starts to forcibly reject it, giving you the feelings of contractions in your anus. Often accompanied by ass sweat, and anal convulsions.

Man I've been holding off on dropping this bad boy off so long, I'm starting to have poop contractions!

by rockerdon666 November 27, 2009

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Fart Contraction

A pain you get in your stomach that can be intense ,you worry for a second then fart and the pain goes.

"Owwwwwwww oh man my stomach hurts"

"Oh thats better it was just a fart contraction"

by Pyjamagirl January 27, 2009

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poo contractions

An overwhelming sense of pain, panic, cramping, and cold sweats that sweeps over someone when they are about to have diarrhea...especially if they are forced to hold it longer than they need to.

The feeling comes and goes, but gradually increases in frequency...like when women give birth...but this time you are giving birth to a giant wet shit.

Jeff's poo contractions became stronger and more intense as he searched for a clean public bathroom. Thankfully, his sphincter was strong and held back the flow.

by Dooodooo Man March 11, 2008

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