A senerio were a girl does five guys at once( one in the front, one in the back, on in the mouth and one in each hand)
Hey, I'm having a giant cookout with some guys but we need one more, wanna join?
When you put barbecue sauce in someone’s ass or vagina and then you fuck them
We were doing some kinky shit last night I had a Texan Cookout and got Barbecue sauce every where!
When a group of men, closely related (not by blood) such as a frat or group of best friends, collectively eat one girl's pussy. They spin her around and flip her like parties at a family cookout.
You know tiffany? Alpha beta whom invited her to the family cookout last week!
A BBQ party where food is cooked based on the timing of guests' arrival. The raw and marinated food is laid out, and as guest arrive they throw whatever they like on the grill and cook it till it is ready to eat. This way the food does not get cold, and the party host is not responsible for "manning" the grill.
Hence the term "Korean" - just like in Korean BBQ restaurants where the raw meat is cooked at the table per the patrons liking.
Person 1: AYO! Am I late for the BBQ? How come the food is not cooked?
Person 2: Allister's having a Korean Cookout foo. The food is on the table. Go cook your own food.
Person 1: Aww Yeah self-service!
A code word girls use to meet up with guys.
10pm @ Night- I’m gonna go make a cookout run with a few of my friends
Eating hot Cheetos or other hot chips and then preceding to eat some ones asshole
After snacking you boys, Daniel gave Angela an anal cookout