Darryls cottage
Darryls cottage is a great place to relax and hang out. After you get the cockroaches and spiders gone it's a little fixer upper
A person who is required to correct everyone else's screw ups.
politically correct way to say it... Devastation Corrector
Give the project that was done wrong to the fuck up fixer so that it will be correctly done.
Fixer girl or Fixergirl, A girl/woman who is attracted to people with mental health issues.
e.g. a person with ADHD who is bearley holding their life together or a severely depressed person. etc.
she's such a fixer girl.
Adj. A woman who inflates her "self-worth" while bringing little to nothing to the table.
Yo dawg be careful dating that woman, she's a Cali Fixer Upper.
A person who owes another points (favor) and fixes (tidies) a yard.
We have some important people coming over. Will you guys be yard fixers?