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Mainly consisting of high school and college students, Indie is a current and very popular social group among the unpopular social groups.

Usually characterized by local or obscure music, eclectic clothing from thrift stores or the nearest Urban Outfitters, and constant bickering between one another on which bands are becoming too mainstream.

If you are considering becoming an indie kid, be prepared for many long arguments over various books, movies, music, paintings, and obscure pop culture icons between other members in the group. Oh, and be prepared for hearing loss, as you will be expected to attend many local shows and concerts.

"Hey Jane, how was the Cavil At Rest show last night?"

"It was good, but their newest song sounds so mainstream,, Like they are changing their sound so they will get a record deal"

"Isn't that a good thing though? I mean, doesn't every band hope for a record deal?"

"Not Indie. Its about the music, not the fame."

by Ms. Gina August 20, 2006

73๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Although often defined as a certain musical category, technically indie would apply to all types of music without a record label. So a person rapping on the corner of a steet without a record label could easily be considered indie just as some weird obscure band. But most people are dumb and dont realize this, so the word indie in general usually applies to rock bands no one heard of.

Lame Biter Bitch: what type of music do you listen to?
Me: what ever i feel like.
Lame Biter Bitch: so like whats your favorite band?
Me: um, modest mouse i guess.
Lame Bitch: oh, i listen to indie, like boys like girls.
Me: you are a dumb bitch. that did not make any fucking sense.

by yoamanda May 13, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


as a mindset, a movement that revolves around choosing music, clothing and general culture based on their individual benefits and 'pros' so to speak; also could be incarnated in one who isnt overly pretentious because of someone else's opinions. Not to be confused with indie yuppies who are typically malinformed rich white kids, elitist about their tastes whilst not quite having the intellect to back up their own opinions.

typical indie attitude towards daily happenings:

I like the shins based on the atmosphere that their songs give, and the way in which they alter my mood, not just because i saw them on garden state.

This brand isn't particualrly 'cool' but i like this shirt so i will buy it and not fuck around because someone else doesnt

by english___p October 6, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Indi is sweet caring and her eyes can be mistaken for jewels. Her personality can be described with 3 words, everyone, loves, her. She has a smile that can cure even the severest of depressions. Her voice is sweeter than an angel, her dancing is better than Jagger, her acting of world class. She is destined for the stage. She is beautiful. She is all you could ever want from a human.

I wish I could be with Indi for ever although she is way out of my league.

by Alexanderthedudeboi May 11, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


easily the best type of music ever, with stong and meaningful lyrics and a tune that doesn't make you want to cry, like Emo,

the libertines are indie

by Richard George Robert Scott May 29, 2005

459๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


short for independent

associated with music and movies and other things

you're not an indie kid because you listen to earlimart or death cab for cutie. you're an indie kid because you're independent.

you are an indie kid because you are unique




I am so cool because i love elliott smith and the killers. i also wear big flashy sunglasses at night and smoke cigarettes.

by rainbow brite June 3, 2005

148๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A misnomer for a particular style of music. It formerly was used to correctly classify music that was "underground" and not supported by major music labels. Popular thought in recent years has been that it is itself a style of music, usually 80's throwback, alternitive-style music.

Any band in any style of music can be indie by virtue of not being signed.The style is not important; it is independence from major labels that makes a band independent, or "indie". This idea has been lost due to the popularity of the term indie as it is used today.

The reason it became so popular is because to like indie music, in its correct sense, was respectable because you're bypassing the corporate music machine and finding music that you like on your own. As more and more hipster-type kids wanted to appear as deep as possible, they would answer the question "What kind of music do you like?" with "Indie." As time went on, this answer became so popular that the music that many of them listened to started to be referred to as indie. After a while of this, bands that are on major labels started to be absorbed into this pseudo-genre, rendering it an oxymoron.

Since the loosely associated music that is referred to as indie cannot properly be grouped and classified, a more appropriate label for what is erroneously referred to as indie would be "scene." The scene kids are often more concerned with being opinionated and elitist about their music choice than they are about the music itself. Scene fashion trends include tight pants, square-rimmed glasses, tight vintage-looking t-shirts, newsboy caps, military-style caps, and tattoos of stars, guns or bullets, and especially birds. Making the "scene" (i.e. a concert),being popular, and being narcissistic are the main motivations of scene kids. They often do their best to display that they possess these qualities on social networking sites like MySpace.

Jim: You should check out this band.
Frank: Oh yeah? What kind of music are they?
Jim: Indie.
Frank: OK, so they're not signed... I mean what genre are they?
Jim: Dude, I told you. Indie.
Frank: You're such a tool.

Billy: Oasis is like, the coolest indie band ever.
Mark: Man, you are totally clueless.
Billy: Please. Music is my life. I would die without music. My taste is superb. How dare you criticize me?
Mark: Wow. You're hopeless. I'm leaving.
Billy: Good. I have to blog about how awesome the concert I went to last night was and post the 30 pictures I took of myself there on MySpace.

by SmashCrab March 13, 2008

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