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El paso handshake

The act of spreading peanut butter upon a tortilla, microwaving it, then proceeding to masturbate to completion into your south of the boarder cock sheath.
Optional: border jumping is eating your lover after wards.

"oh man, last night I was giving my self an el paso handshake, was about to go south of the boarder when my mom walked in and asked for a bite."

by Sir Amadeus the 69th July 1, 2012

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el paso hotpocket

When a fat chick has the crease between the lower part of her tits and the fat roll of her stomach and you fuck the crease in an effort to find an appropriate entry point.

Damn I was so drunk last night I didn't even know I had taken home a fat stripper and gave her the el paso hotpocket!

by Derek Robinson August 17, 2006

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El Paso

A busy city filled with Hispanic/Chicano culture with some of the best Mexican food youโ€™ll find, some of the prettiest women with curvy bodies, olive skin, and dark hair. Mountain views on the horizon. Yes, itโ€™s not one of the wealthiest cities in America, but at least itโ€™s not a boring ass commercialized-cookie-cutter city like other places. For all the angry racist passer-byโ€™s with sticks up their blow holes; El Paso doesnโ€™t want your honky-tonky, pessimistic, non adaptive, sun burned, parched, whiney, cry baby ass anyway. We are a community with pride, and we come together as one. So suck it.

El Paso your ass on out if you donโ€™t like my city, bitch!

by ReinaDelSur May 10, 2020

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El Paso belt sander

The act of jerking off in a porta-john on Fort Bliss Texas during a howling sand storm.

Dude, I had phone sex with the old lady in the porta-john last night during that sand storm and totally gave myself an El Paso belt sander.

by Waldorf9717 April 11, 2015

El Paso trash can

Having anal sex with an individual whilst the receiving partner is bent over an overturned trashcan, typically at a truck stop or dimly lit gas station.

"Last weekend, while driving to Clovis, NM, I gave this truck stop hooker the ol' El Paso trash can...I wish she would call me back though" - Greg

by Dustylarry January 9, 2018

El Paso Cheese Fry

Ejaculating between a woman's breasts while using nacho cheese sauce as a lubricant

I couldn't decide between a tasty snack and a quickie with my girlfriend, so I combined the two and gave her an El Paso Cheese Fry.

by Grandling Clupepper February 7, 2011

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El Paso Water Bucket

Occasion where a male puts their balls in a bucket of water while receiving a blow job

Dude, your mom just gave me the hottest El Paso Water Bucket!

by Terrell Blackmon May 8, 2016

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