The act of getting so intoxicated that one has to crawl on the floor because they cant walk. Like a rugrat.
Ashley: I think Katy was crawling on the floor last night..
Mackenzie: Yeah.. she got Rugrat Weird FOR SURE.
Big Honcho, lil Goon, Lil Kuda, real soldiers On gang
They are the RugRat crips!
Juvenile who wants the best for his self but maybe had a few gimmicks in the past but is now on the road to success
Rugrat shon in very outrageous
Known as RRZ. Also represents a synonym for a steaming pile of shit
Wow, that painting is terrible! It is a Rugrat!
an extorter of women prostitutes
guy #1: I almost snagged a hooker for $22 dollars last night
guy #2: what happened?
guy #1: a rugrat ran her off…
guy #2: gotcha
A Canadian Rugrat is when you get a girl to wear a diaper and you take a shit in it and have her roll around like a baby.
Jenny was being a real bitch so I gave her a Canadian Rugrat.
Is a Real Human being who came from a rough past.Could be a Male/Female and will always have your back,they will take a bullet for anyone that is real to them.A mix between a HoodRat and a Misfit, They will be as real as you are to them.They have there own beliefs they stick to no matter what.Strong headed,soft to the soul,Heavy heart,True to the core. They have their own style and will never switch up. Will keep a friend close but an enemy closer.Will never steal from a Human only a Company. Gets it out the quick Sand instead of the mud. A Rugrat Trissy will be your friend and/or Family but will drop you like a fly the moment you switch up and fuck them over. They don't give two fucks and will pull up if you have a problem. Won't bring a knife to a fight but always packing. Learning new things in life left and right and will use every knowledge to their advantage and Disadvantages. Some would say a Rugrat Trissy is a Real A$$ Nigga.
I saw Rugrat Trissy today,They liked as if they had no care in the world.
Rugrat Trissy pulled up to the skate park with loud music and had a sick ass Vibe.
Damn did you see Rugrat Trissy today, I swear that niggas Vibe is on a different wave length.There vibe is Above and beyond anything I can think of.
Rugrat Trissy has is so talented they could be anything from a Gardner to a fucking scientist!
I was with Rugrat Trissy when they made everyone look stupid once they realized they where a Real ass Og.