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correllating food with a grateful act from your female friend, wife, prostitute, or girlfriend.

Wow, I had the best Chik-Fell-a-tio last night. It's just that good!

Chik-Fell-a-tio, It's just that good!

by Big Daddy Hedgehog October 1, 2009

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Chick Fell-A-tio

The non-Republican version of Chick Fil-A. Gay rights activists are sure to enjoy this version of the infamous restaurant.

"Hey let's go down and get some Chick Fell-A-tio to protest ignorance against gay rights."

by LivelyLibra July 31, 2012

1👍 5👎


pronounced(femuhn-relazia-twa)-A female, one night relationship of three.

EX. Three women meet in the club drunken, while male bashing and exchange phone numbers. They then embarrass each other, diss each other, never call or acknowledge one another again.
She found her self in a, "Fem-un-relatia-tio," at the club with two chicks she did not know. She was ret to go.

by Author, Teresa Rae Butler November 23, 2005

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tio cano

A tio that is very special to you. Cano!

Tio cano will do many things for you as say holaaaa. But sometimes tio cano has a problem… he sees …..brujitas…. In his room. He can’t get them out of his head “help the brujas are comi-“.

by Bruja1 November 23, 2021

tio cao ma

to tell someone to go fuck their mom in chinese. Never Ever say this to a chinese person,because it will offend them and they will most likely curse you out so yea.

Guy 1: hey you idiot faggot ass bitch
Guy 2: hey go tio cao ma (go fuck your mom).

by chinesemasta February 18, 2016


Steak and a Blow Job

I have the best wife/girlfriend. I got home from work and was greeted with a medium-rare steak and some head.Now that's what I call some great Filet-tio!

by Tbone 5000 July 10, 2014

Chick Fil-A-tio

A restaurant where you can get a sandwich and a blow job

I went to Chick Fil-A-tio and got chicken to go and a hummer

by fundoc August 19, 2019