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The period in the spring when the weather is the most unpredictable.

Goodness! Five minutes ago it was sunny now it’s hailing sideways! Must be track season

by Elizardloveshalo April 19, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Usually referred to as a sport for those who cant compete in those such as football or lacrosse, track is actually one of the hardest sports there is in high school athletics. There are no time outs or substitutions in races, and you cant whine to your coach that you feel like your legs are going to fall off every second of the race. Those who say that track is for the weak have obviously never attempted to run an all out mile two mile and even then, would not come even close to the times that true runners have the ability to put up.
Track is different from the more mainstream sports in many ways. Unlike sports such as football or lacrosse, time is not wasted in practice by sitting around and talking on the sides. Instead, during a track practice you are almost always running/working, thus making track practices harder and much more efficient. Also, it is much harder to achieve honors in track such as all-state or all-american.
While track is a team sport, it is also widely seen as an individual sport. Each runner measures there own success by improvement from race to race. There are no benchwarmers in track; everyone races, but it is only those who work hard who will succeed. You get out of track what you put into it. For the most part, you are your own coach. You will determine how much you will improve and how successful you will become in this sport.

-"Ha you run track You suck at life"
-"Hold on can we finish this conversation later? i have to go to practice. We are doing 12 miles at a hard tempo pace today."

by dowork123 February 27, 2011

39πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Is a sport where you are running different races while wearing tight shorts. It is also the only sport where you take your pants off to run. Sometimes your coach will be evil and only care about the county championships. But all u gotta do is not care. Finally if ya can't run DO SHOTPUT!!!!

Track is the only sport where you take your pants off
My track coach only cares about counties
In track I run 800 meters

by Mzz NoRkA CoOl December 19, 2005

207πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


Street terminology for supervisory oversight of female prostitutes in a geographic area at a given time.

That Macktaculur Chi-Town G Deluxe be tracking them hoes out here every mohfugghin' night.

by Chi Town Po Po July 17, 2006

63πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


"Track" in the context of music simply means a song. A reference to the track on a compact disc. "Track" could also refer to an individual instrument track in the song.

The new track from Neptunes uses the exact same snare and kick drum samples as they've been using on their last 10 tracks.

by Holgrr January 17, 2005

100πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


scars caused by injecting drugs

he was taken in for questioning when they saw the tracks on his arms

by The Return of Light Joker December 20, 2008

29πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


To understand/comprehend something.

Yeah man, I totally track what you're saying. It makes perfect sense.

by Meow456 May 17, 2011

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž