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A person who changes from a man to a woman

That kid over there is a transformer

by King_zelch July 19, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a person who has had a sex change

yeah cindy used to be a man but now she is a woman and that makes her a transformer

by tony woodward February 3, 2008

31πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A girl that looks really hot from a distance, but as she gets closer, she transforms into an ugly ass bitch.

Transformers, uglies in disguise..."

by jackbauer133 November 27, 2009

28πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


(The motion picture produced back in 2007)

A dumb fucking movie where the action scenes are so shaky you can't even tell what's going on. Also the acting of shai leboeuf makes the movie unbearable to watch for some people.

Dude: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you see transformers?

Other: Yeah, it sucked hard eh?

Sheeple dude: What?

by bluemuffin May 29, 2009

43πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


In gang slang, a transformer is somebody who switches from
one gang to another gang.

"that nigga was claimin crip a few months ago and now he wit da bloods, lil transformer ass nigga"

by SK-Dub December 2, 2007

30πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


The transformation is the process from going from sober to drunk super fast. What truly defines the transformation is the process.

1.) announce to everyone you are about to transform and will be different soon.
2.) grab a 4 loko (4loko is imperative)
3.) Go to bathroom a sober being
4.) take a hot shower and begin sipping the loko. (Music blasting helps)
5.) only leave the shower once the 4loko is complete
6.) dress, and leave the bathroom something else entirely.
7.) transformation complete

Bro 1: dog, I hate being a human atm, I need to transform

Bro 2: aye, I just stocked the fridge with loko gold.

Bro 1: BET! I’m going to transform. You won’t see me till the transformation is complete!

Bro2: gnarly. Don’t smash the tv this time!

by FoJmeRaw March 25, 2020

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


When driving behind someone (most of the time elderly), and their silhouette is not visible from your point of view, giving the impression that the car is being driven by itself.

I was driving on I-95 when this car cut me off. I saw it was a transformer so I sped past and blasted the driver with obscenities.

by BVH1286 June 30, 2010

10πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž