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the act of moving out of somewhere

"we're trumpin pretty hard right now"

by NJLPL May 10, 2009

4👍 13👎

donald trumpin (trumpin')

to pretend to give something away
to tease
to almost give, but then not
a girl who doesn't put out

i.e.: dude that girl be donald trumpin (trumpin') last night. she didn't put out.

he's donald trumpin (trumpin') hard, he didn't give me nothin.

by dreamteam1 March 7, 2011

9👍 65👎

You Trumpin'

To repeated take Ls by acting like an idiot.

To act like Donald Trump

Gary, you trumpin'. You gonna get your ass beat.

by Knoms January 25, 2017

Clam Trumpin

When you go around grabbing all the fine pussy you can.

Paul and Chris had so much fun today going around clam Trumpin that they fought to see who would get the boss first.

by Clamer October 21, 2016

keep on trumpin’

The cult-induced deeply ingrained phrase that is burned into the confused and clearly hypnotized minds of Trump supporters all over the Country.

There was an eerie automaton-like quality in the words, “keep on trumpin’” which was repeatedly uttered by supporters of 45 during their frequent comments to the fake news media.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 8, 2023

Trumpin' Uglies

1) Suppressing the reporting of sexual indiscretions through bribery or extortion to further career advancement.

2) Committing a felony to hide evidence of a misdemeanor.

Did you hear that Ronald was arrested? He was caught Trumpin' Uglies. Apparently he tried to bribe the guard that caught him in flagrante delicto with his secretary in the bathroom.

by seudokode January 19, 2019

2👍 1👎

Bible Trumpin

A podcast or any audible news sorce that spreads rumors and uses religion to win a political following although there athieus. / A fake display of faith to gain votes ; gospel in the hands of those without emathy. When someone quotes the bible with the intent of control. Fake news ment to disrupt the trust in society so they can impose there new world order
Trust = HAPPINESS and prosperity

Censor fake news

He was bible trumpin at the end of his POD cast. He went a litte overboard but there gullible. ha ha ha

by BARRY MAKOCKINER August 4, 2020