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to consume cocaine by allowing it to permeate through the foreskin of the penis,

"G dub, Buzzsaw, Tha Wind an' me were trunking an eight ball at Vito's last nite."

by Mother Trunker November 14, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


a shenanigan in which a teenage miscreant sneaks up to a stopped car at an intersection and opens the trunk of the car. a sucessful trunk happens only when the door is unlocked and the trunk opens.

Last night we went trunking and opened 4 guys trunks!

by Ninja Guin May 6, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


The stage between Tipsy and Drunk, where you still control most of your body, but you can talk more easily.

person1: Woah man! What happened to you last night?
person2: I was so totally trunk last night!
person1: Ba-oom!

by FullySlick November 22, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone with an intact foreskin pulls that foreskin over the tip of another penis connecting the 2 as one.

Pat and Chris tried trunking last night. They attempted to come at the same time. At least they came together even if they didn't come together.

by MidCenturyMr August 1, 2021


A word for a males keg.

Damien: My scan went well
Luc: Look at your trunk!

by HahaDamo April 24, 2022


Tired and Drunk together: Trunk. When you are so tired that you act drunk but you havenโ€™t actually drank.

Me: โ€œWhy dont you love me like i love youโ€
Phil; โ€œwtf man, thats your goldfishโ€
Me: โ€œoh dude Iโ€™m trunkโ€

by KandyKittan February 18, 2019


The latest craze amongst American teens when there are too many bodies to conventionally fit inside a car - the extras go into the car trunk (or boot if you speak British English).

Yeah, man, Mark and I went trunking last night, because there were 8 of us, and damn his feet stink!

by Doc Tinfoil Hat June 17, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž