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tube sock pigeon

you cumed so much in a condom that it looks like pigeon in a tube sock

aww man that hurt when i made that tube sock pigeon last night.

by cousin skeeter69 November 23, 2009

8👍 1👎

Alabama Tube Sock

When you prolapse your relative’s anus, usually an immediate family member or cousin, during vigorous anal sex and drop the off at the nearest ER with their rectum dangling like a tube sock.

I did the dirty deed with my sister last night and gave her an Alabama Tube Sock. I don’t know if the doctor got it back in or not I haven’t seen her. I been with my cousin all night.

by Eaton Holgoode December 7, 2018

Crusty tube sock

A slut. Someone who’s taken more loads than a crusty tube sock hidden under a 14 year old’s bed.

“Don’t date her, she’s a crusty tube sock.”

“I’ve known some whores in my day but that guy is the biggest crusty tube sock I’ve ever met.”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

15👍 4👎

Watermelons in tube socks

When a chick has big, sagging breasts

Even though the history teach had watermelons in tube socks, their girth still appealed to most of the boys in the class.

by Jude Fawley March 12, 2008

7👍 1👎

Pittsburgh Tube-Sock

When you shit in a tube sock and then slap the girl in the face with it.

Sandy was being a bitch last night and so i gave her the ol' Pittsburgh Tube-Sock. Now she is pressing charges.

by Bradley and Jake January 8, 2007

119👍 56👎

Texas Tube Sock

When one shits and urinates in a large tube sock and beats someone over the face and/or any other body part of that person.

Jim really gave her a texas tube sock.

by thefunkyhomosapien August 4, 2009

11👍 3👎

Columbus Tube Sock

The act of after ejaculating and the slammy you just Slayed falls asleep you take the used condom and slide it on her foot so she wakes up with a Columbus tube sock on. Works best during double penetration so that she has a pair.

It was a little chilly in my apartment so it was a good thing that I gave Lisa a Columbus Tube Sock to keep her piggy toes warm.

by Slammyslayer12345 February 8, 2015