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A book written by Stephanie Meyer that has attracted and brainwashed millions of Girls (And Moms!).

There are 4 types of people that like Twilight:

Sane Fans: These people are very rare. They take opinions, they dont get butthurt when you state that it is not as good. These people are very nice, and they wont attack you just over a book. Rarely they state they want to marry the main chars.

Fangirls: A tad bit more common than humane fans, most cant take opinions, all of them think Edward is "hot" but most of them will give you harm, but not too much. The things they do range from to a slap on the wrist to a book whack.

Twitards/Twimoms: Very common. They attack anyone who has a different opinion than their own. Attacks range from a pushing down stairs to a baseball bat beating.

Twihards: VERY VERY common. They want to marry Edward. They think Vampires are real and hate sunlight. They think vampires sparkle. They troll internet forums to spread the word of their holy book.
They are fucking annoying. Attacks range from a harmless punch to a fatal murder.

Facts about twilight:

Vampires sparkle
Vampires are real.
Vampires are frendly
Bella is a whiny bitch.

Stick with the sanes, not the hards and you will be safe.
Soon, free speech will reign over twilight!

by Random Shyguy July 4, 2009

60👍 10👎


A book which is part of a series so horrible it could kill chuck norris.

Twilight Fan: Omgomg twilight rox!!! -starts reading it outloud-

Chuck Norris: aiiiii i'm dying! what the fuck is this bullshit?!!!

by linesoncars September 7, 2009

79👍 14👎


Quite possibly the worst piece of shit ever made that has somehow captured the attention of millions of unattractive women seeking a man in their life, and twisting their conceptions of a meaningful relationship to an abusive man that somehow manages to save their clumsy butts. Not only that its lack of plot and character development causes the fragile mind to start to break, causing permanent stupidity and a strong pull towards cullenism, in which fangirls will defend with some piss poor defense that a newborn baby could rip through

Fangirl: OMG!!!!!1!!11111!!!one Edward is like totally going to save me when I'm in trouble!

Me: Hate to break it to you, but he's not real, he's a fictional character created by a poor author to marry herself in a book that has made me hate a word so much that I now refer to the time by the less romantic word, dusk

Fangirl: How dare you say that? twilight is the best book ever!!!!!one1111!!! I should pwn joo for that!!!!!111!!!one!!!

by Mobius Leader May 24, 2009

107👍 20👎


The first in a series of four books that are written horribly, are extremley repetitive in terms of adjectives and contains vampires that sparkle in the sun. About 45% of the pages in all 4 books combined are spent describing Edward Cullens 'cold, hard skin' and his "smoldering eyes". oh, and how his 'cold hard skin' *sparkles* in the sunlight. Did i mention its also extremley repetitive?

The main character is Bella Swan who is a stupid whore who depends totally on her trophy boyfriend to protect her from other vampires who want to do everyone a favour and kill her. (which is a shame they dont because shes so annoying)

Random Person: I read the first chapter of Twilight and lost approximatley 20% of my brain cells. The effects were especially noticable in todays math class

by SOME RETARD March 23, 2009

282👍 63👎


A human being who is a fan of Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight Series', consisting of 'Twilight', 'New Moon', 'Eclipse', and 'Breaking Dawn'. Twilighters are usually quite addicted to the series, and would be considered 'obsessed' by some. (Also known as 'Twi-Hards')

Example: On the set of the "Twilight" movie, Twilighters have been seen camping out so that they can both see the actors and perhaps sneak onto the set.

by Heather Hoover April 15, 2008

241👍 53👎


A book series written by Stephenie Meyer that's captured that heart of gazillions of teenaged girls around the world. It's centered around the romance between Isabella Swan (Bella), the awkward new girl in school, and Edward Cullen, a gorgeous vampire she meets. Although the book is pretty addicting, it has to be the worse book i've ever read in terms of originality, clichés, plot, and writing.

Cliché #1:
The new girl in school who is awkward and clumsy and terrible at everything. How many times have we seen and read this?

Cliché #2:
The new girl falling in love with the hottest guy in school (Edward). No one saw that coming.

Cliché #3:
Despite the new girl's awkwardness and plain looks, the hottest guy in school falls in love with her. The epitome of originality, am I right? *sarcasm*

Cliché #4:
The new girl is hopelessly in love with the hottest guy in school to the point where you want to slap her because she'll do literally everything and anything the hottest guy in school will tell her to do just for him.

Cliché #5:
The vampire (who is the hottest guy in school), despite his love for the new girl, thirsts for her blood and struggles to control his bloodlust. Wow.

Cliché #6:
The vampire is a good vampire who doesn't want to hurt humans, so he feeds off of animals instead. *cough* Louis from Interview with the Vampire *cough*

Cliché #7:
The vampire thinks he's a monster and that the new girl should stay away from him if she values her life, but of course the new girl risks her life to be with him.

Cliché #8:
The new girl would rather die than not be with the vampire, which is the stupidest thing anyone on this Earth can ever say. Yes, I understand she's madly and hopelessly and stupidly in love with him, but you only get one life. She isn't even considerate of the family members she would leave behind who would mourn her death.

There is no plot to the story. It's just a bunch of events that happens between Bella and Edward.

The writing in the beginning is so plain, and even though it does get better, it's still not good.

There's no figuritive language and not much description. The only thing the author seems to describe is Edward's appearence. Every other freaking sentence is talking about this muscular arms or smile or face or eyes or hair. It's like she created this book to produce a bazillion teenaged fangirls who are obsessed with Edward and don't care about the rest of the story. There really is nothing original about this book. Nothing that the author has come up with on her own.

It's pretty much your cliche vampire romance novel.

Despite all this, I still love it because it's addicting, but terrible.

"OMG! Twiligh is the best book in the world! I absolutly heart Edward! He's totally mine!"

"No! He's mine! I read the book first! So he's mine first!"

"We'll split him in half and share him!"

"Wow....if you think Twilight is the best book in the world...then, seriously, no comment."

by samaRAWR December 8, 2007

14169👍 3869👎


when someone gives you a red apple, then the said person makes you cup the apple. (referencing the cover of the book twilight)

I gave Mr. Witham a red apple and told him to cup it in his hands, then in a great uphoria i told him he just got "twilighted".

by The Kearns October 18, 2010

25👍 3👎