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unexpected surprise

When you are about to nut, but you dont tell her that you are...then nut all over her face unexpectedly.

I WAS gonna tell her that I was about to bust, but I decided to give her an unexpected surprise!

by Why him? October 8, 2018

9👍 9👎

unexpected pregnancy

Girl: what was that

Boy: nothing uh haha
Girl: don't you dare tell me it ripped
Boy: uh then I won't...
Girl: $#&@#__##&#&#&#-#&@&&_#@#_@&£{`¶|¶®€{¢}€}¥}|}¢©©{¢¢©®✓!!!!!??!!!
Boy: my bad?

Yeah he was kind of an unexpected pregnancy.

by Itsyaboi_88 August 11, 2017

4👍 3👎

unexpected turd

A tur that suddenly appears inyour underwear. Most commonly happens when u have dhiarea.


Dad: Good morning son *sniff* holy cow whats that smell
Teen: *checks underwear* omfg its an unexpected turd

by Tjdjmaster May 30, 2008

5👍 7👎

Unexpected Niggary

When you are of a different race or color in a foreign country and an African-American proceeds to call you a Nigga
You have taken part in a process called "Unexpected Niggary"

Foreigner: Hi i am new in this country do you know where i can find the movie theater?
African American: Yeah sure my nigga take a left by walmart then continue for a mile
You have just been unexpectedly Niggad. Unexpected Niggary

by Unexpected Quotes October 8, 2018

1👍 1👎

how unexpected

Usually coined in for being a sarcastic say when something you expected to happen, happens.

Ted - "So Johnny missed school today."

Frank - "Wow how unexpected"

by Junnnno May 27, 2016

1👍 1👎

expect the unexpected

A cutesy little phrase coined to imply that you can expect to be surprised. It comes from the marketing douchebags and only the like will utter such stupid contradiction. It is one or the other people, let's get it together.

Douchebag no. 1: "Subaru, Expect the unexpected"

by Protestant of Protestants April 19, 2016

11👍 51👎


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*saLUEtes with force*

by cheeseguy September 18, 2004

5👍 23👎