known to the Unforgiveables: (to) have a criminal record
do not do drugs, or rock 'n' roll thinking you are cool like that. You are not the brightest lightbulb in the chandelier and you are going to be known to the Unforgiveables sooner or later.
known to the Unforgiveables: (to) have a criminal record
if you do drugs, don't do it front of a security camera, thinking you are cool like that. You are not the brightest lightbulb in the chandelier and you are going to be known to the Unforgiveables sooner or later.
I’m not stubborn , just know that I’m not gonna be the one apologising first, nor will I give you a second chance to deal with your bullshit again.
“I tried apologising so much , she’s so unforgiving!”
Aw, but blasphemy is my favorite one!
Hym "Yeah, I don't like that blasphemy is an unforgivable sin. I think it should be allowed. So, it is. I deem that blasphemy is officially allowed. Hurray blasphemy!"
See how he just keeps making more up!? He's at like 5 different unforgivable sins! There is only supposed to be 1 and he's got like 5 of them now. That's how you know he's trying to be the self-appointed arbiter of sin. Self-appointed arbiter of morality. Not that everyone else isn't already doing the same. That's a thing that a lot of people do but he is just doing it loudly and in my direction. It shows that he lacks the humility he purports to value.
Hym "Look at all those unforgivable sins he's coming up with! He's got a ton of them! He just keeps making them up! Ridiculous!"