Source Code


someone who tries too hard to make funny Urban Dictionary definitions

Did you see what Leslie added to Urban Dictionary today? She is such an urbaner.

by crazyliver1 February 5, 2015


City-like. From the Latin word "urbs", which means "city".

by Anonymous September 28, 2003

4834๐Ÿ‘ 1934๐Ÿ‘Ž


Urban means relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area, The term is exploited by corporations such as MTV to refer to black music/culture, without mentioning race.
Anything Urban = $$$$.

Suburban Kid 1: Dude I'm totally Urban, Check these new Timbalands, homie.
Suburban Kid 2: Naw Dawwwg. Fa Shizzle. Im rockin dis new White Tee, Ya feel me?
Suburban Kid 1: ohh shit here comes a real black person, be quiet buddy.
Suburban Kid 2: Oh oh yea, Marily Manson is like totally awesome.
Suburban Kid 1: Ok ok hes gone dawg.
Suburban Kid 2: Fa Shizzle

by +Anonymous+ June 9, 2005

2587๐Ÿ‘ 1062๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're extremely bored and are just hitting "random word" button on Urban Dictionary. Somewhat dangerous for younger, more innocent minds.

Person 1: Hey, what's up?
Person 2: Nothing, just Urbaning. Do you know who Treichler is?
Person 1: No...
Person 2: I wish I could say the same.

by Flame Emblem April 19, 2012

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban it

an order/command to put something on urbandictionary or search it on urbandictionary

person 1:"dude wtf is snow plow?
person2 : urban it
person 1: i snow plowed this chick
person 2: haha snow plow..good one u should urban it

by {PLONK} July 29, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Relating to, affected by, or resembling city lifestyle or any urban thingy
2. A person whose outlook is urbanized

1. Do you enjoy urbanic music more than the classics?
2. If she's not from the jungle, then she's definitely urbanic.

by timlight January 27, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word to describe the African-american culture of which contains a ghetto/hood/gangster mentality. it's suggested the targeted subject is extremely unsophisticated. Although the word is not consider an ethnic slur today, its underlined meaning is derogatory and usage projects an inferior perception.

"Yo...this club we be hitting up is so urban now days."

person #1 "His pants are sagging low"
person #2 "yea, he's got urban stylez"

"those urbs are having a freestyle battle"

by Rudah July 8, 2013

47๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž