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A card sent to a loved one to express one's love on February 14th.

I have to go buy a valentine for my girlfriend or else she'll kill me.

by Sandy Jane February 19, 2008

208๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž


Valentine is a really creative girl always here for you. She have beautyfull eyes and always made smiling poeple.

I have a friend and her name is Valentine

by Valivalo1 April 27, 2020



Oh valentine

If only so

But no .. not mine

Face to face

Fate declined

Future seen

Ahead of time


Locked in time

The author of โ€ฆ

Oh my oh my โ€ฆ

Valentine โ€ฆ oh Valentine


But never mine

Valentine ..

Oh Valentine..

actually hope your happy or fate rewinds


Things left unsaid in a hospital bed ..

by LetsTalkAboutX February 14, 2023

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spending a day with someone because the person you want isn't available. A day to remind everyone of those you cant have, or gave up.

" I'm washed up, I wish she could be my valentine."

by shhhhsecret February 13, 2009

196๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


Valentin is a blue eyed, blonde guy. You can find the whole sea in his amazing blue eyes. He's perfect, even if he's different from other guys. He plays videogames, watches videos and plays table tennis. I think he's hawt. He's a hungry lion who wants to find his perfect pray. Valentin is sex.

-Hey, Valentin
-Watcha doin'
-Nofing. U?

by Jake1997 January 12, 2013

76๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boyfriend/girlfriend that you have for only one day: Valentine's Day.

In other words, it's the socially acceptable one-night stand.

I asked Jenny to be my valentine. I'll be all lovey-dovey to her today and totally forget about her tomorrow.

by DROCK2265 February 14, 2010

110๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


Literally giving your heart to someone for one day in February... if they accept, they are known as a "Valentine".

There are several different ways to ask:
1. The "Grade School Method" - Will you be my Valentine? Check YES NO or MAYBE
2. The "Charlie Brown Method" - Creating a hand crafted and laced heart shaped Valentine's Day card to the one you love
3. The "Tiffany Method" - Utilizing a popular public website to give your heart away. *see example*

You make me want to break every rule. Like the one that says when you play that flower petal game you have to alternate "I love you's" with "I love you not's" ...and the rule that says that only certain people are meant to be together...

Rules don't mean a thing. You were made for Me.

...and I don't want to give you my heart for just one day, but we'll take this one step at a time, so Melina...

Will you be my Valentine?

by T. McNeil February 7, 2011

54๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž