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The reason you're single.

Guy 1: Man I was waiting for this girl outside the restaurant, and when she arrived she saw me Vaping. She blocked my number!
Guy 2: You dumbass bitch! You were Vaping. That's why you're single

by Alfonzo May 30, 2016

197πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


something used to help people quit smoking, but is used heavily by the youth industry

Person 1: You still vape?
Person 2: Yeah man
Person 1: That's a waste of your life. Yeet that vape away

by hashtagNOVAPING March 5, 2019

31πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


What your algebra teacher says when a boy asks to use the restroom during class because your school is garbage and has a vaping problem.

β€œHey Mr. McD, can I go to the bathroom?”
β€œSure Michael, NO VAPING”

by Nataratatat February 11, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A stupid worldwide pastime, where people sit on their fat asses all day becoming a human smoke machine.

"Hey bro you wanna go vaping at my house?"

by FLYBOY2900 October 1, 2017

43πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A term used when enjoying Marijuana out of a vaporizer. Most commonly used when the vaporizer is of good quality (ie. Volcano).

Stoner #1: Wanna get vaped?
Stoner #2: Hell yes! Bust out the Volcano!

by Breeze January 28, 2005

91πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


what old people do to quite smoking. but it suddenly became cool. idek it’s so retarded

oh grandma you vape? can i try to blow a cloud??

by aalriiighty February 23, 2018

87πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A great way to show that you like the look of massive white farts coming out of your mouth.

Tom: "Hey babe, are you vaping that new flavor yet? It's super good for cloud chasing."

Stacy: "Sorry, its not you, its me. Actually, yeah it is you."

by Ι― August 24, 2018

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž