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White Trash Claw

A White Claw with added alcohol.

Yeah, we put shots of Tito’s in it and made White Trash Claws to watch The Bachelor finale!

by ellebeejay January 26, 2022

White Claw Wasted

When a person drinks so much White Claw that they are extremely intoxicated and have no idea what is going on around them.

Look at Chassie walking around with her tit falling out of her shirt. She drank so much tonight that she's White Claw Wasted.

by GC A.C. June 27, 2020

White Claw Rapist

This is a person who pays underage girls to chug white claws and then when they are sleeping the white claw rapist puts their dick in your ass.

I was sleeping at tanner w house and he white claw rapisted me...I was never the same.

by Bootylicious2345 August 18, 2019