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Shit in bed

Why are you called Bullet? Because Iโ€™m shit in bed!

by OddballsUK April 21, 2019


A ball-mullet or mullet for the balls. To achieve a bullet one must trim the pubic mound while letting the hair on their balls grow to full length. When you are showing your bullet off to friends and females you must rock out to ZZ top, sharp dressed man.

Guy 1: Dude, Greg has been pulling some hot ass tail lately, what is his secret?

Guy 2: Haven't you heard? Greg is sporting a mean bullet now, brings the bitches runnin.

Guy 1: Damn dude maybe I'll start rocking the bullet too.

by colorcountrykid June 6, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ebonic term for a small penis. This word is usually used as in insult by an insecure teenager, even without prior evidence that the insulted has a small penis.

Insulter: Man, you got bullet!
Several comebacks, all rather effective: "At least I have proper grammer","And you're gonna have a black eye for trying to be gay and peek in my pants", and my favorite,"That's right. In fact, I have several bullets in this here gun." (Note, you might need to be holding a gun for the last comeback to apply)

by Paultheman June 30, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


An overly confident man with a bald head on top/ in the front and a ponytail in the back. It's like a mullet only all party in the back.

Frank has a bullet. His bald head in the front is accentuated by his ponytail in the back.

by TBJ954 November 29, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hair style: long hair in the back like a mullet but bald or thinning hair in the front. Kind of like his hair is sliding off his head toward his back.

Dude did you see that dude's bullet?

by PeroxideDesigns September 30, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


That feeling you get when you smoke alotta weed

Man we walkin from mcdonalds to alternative school and were bullet as shit

by suckthedickuptillyouhicupbubba July 17, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


also known as the backwards mullet. a bullet is a type of hairstyle that consits of long bangs in front and short hair in back used commonly for spiking.
bullets are usually found among "scenies" or scene kids.

Him:"look at that scene kid over there!"
Her:"they have a bullet!"

by Elan B. December 8, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž