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Very mysterious girl who is quite introverted and usually up in the clouds type. Yarely’s are quite abstract and creative, they always want and seek the deeper meaning of things. They are very empathetic and quite sensitive. Yarely’s like things planned out and like the methodical, organized approach. They are very private and tend to only speak to close friends (among very few) and don’t like small talk. Please don’t call the weird, they are just misunderstood. This is a person who is wise and seeking love.

Bertha: Yarely is weird, ain’t she?
Louisiana: She is just like that. A small fish in a big pond, you know?
Bertha: I guess you could say that...

by Wisteria November 18, 2018

21👍 2👎


Yarelis is the most beautiful girl in the world. Her body is stunning and her hair defines flawless. You would total want her as a friend because she is straight up. However if you get her and she could beat your ass.


by Tim mike February 18, 2017

47👍 11👎


Beautiful girl. Name has a latin root. Can sing, true faithful friend and lover who will tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts. She a real one.

She's a Yarelis.

by Magicianns March 16, 2017

42👍 11👎


Yarely is the most amazing girl you ever meet. She is so beautiful, she loves taco bell,she is out going, usually has curly hair, no matter what happens, she will always stick by your side , she cares and loves her close friends, and she’s is obsessed with coconut.

Omg I think her name yarely

by Hello my name here May 16, 2019

15👍 2👎


Yareli is a very beautiful girl with a lot of friends but she keeps he close friends next to her . She can change moods really quick but she is nice and a sweetheart if you meet a girl with a name Yareli shes a keeper don't lose her she has a lot of pain but she will smile through all of it , when she smiles you can see the pain in her eyes but she won't

talk about it ,but she can make your problems go away she is very loyal to her partner no matter what she has a humor to DIE for if you meet a Yareli don't lose her she is very beautiful inside and out ..... yareli if you are reading this you are very beautiful ...

person 1 : Have you meet yareli she so sweet and pretty UwU

person 2 : yeah i have but dont make her mad tho ;-;

by xxxtentation... August 19, 2020

Yare yare

A legendary word and a person

*punches you*
Yare yare daze.

by Yaryardays August 12, 2019

8👍 5👎


Yare is the sweetest girl you will meet. She will be rude at first but she’s the best friend ever once you get to know her, yare is a beautiful person. She can also be really annoying but you won’t regret being friends with her.

I wanna be with that girl name yare

by February 18, 2021

16👍 4👎