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a champion in league of legend that is cancerous and whoever plays him should cut their wrists.

Guy 1:Hey I main Yasuo and I get many kills!
Guy 2: KYS

by asgg123 March 4, 2023


Yasuo is a league of legends cancer champion used mostly by edgy 12 y/o kids with mental/social/family problems.
It is a fighter type of champion which resembles a samurai with the power of the wind.
The only good yasuo players are in challenger.
(If you want to maximize autism, use Project: Yasuo skin)

"Yasuo is the hardest champion in league of legends" -Bronze 5 yasuo main with 700k mastery points

by KappaPrideLMAO November 18, 2017


Always feeds and go 0/50 in your team while in the enemy team he always goes 50/0 and he is challenjour smurf. Always that bitch who blames your jungler when he loses and doesnt know what 2+1 is AND HE IS A FUCKING IBT5VH I FUNKIING HATE HIM HE IS SO BAFUCKING ANNOYING FUCKING PLS GO KYS U FGUCKINNG UASUO PLAYERS

Alex: Omfg we got a Yasuo in our team.......
Dennis: gg ff at 20

by Galen kines February 22, 2017


Oh shit! I forgot to ban him! GGWP everyone, I'm afk from now on, good luck with that 6 Tears of Goddess yasuo build, I quit.

Cowstep playing in Vietnamese server:"Once someone pick Yasuo, or he will 20 minutes GG, or 20 minutes carry."

by Daufq da Gamer April 27, 2017


cancerous champion played by faggots.

moe : i played yasuo
tyler : you're such a faggot

by mobire April 5, 2019

yasuo effect

a term used in League of Legends to describe that a champion feels broken as long as it's played on the enemy team

Commentator: "Hiva's Zyra got punished. The wave got pushed out pre 6. This should not happen."
Commentator 2: "That's the yasuo effect. A champion is overpowered unless he is played on your team."

by AgileIndex February 18, 2017