the participation in activities which when done will assist the person in achieving swoleness (to get swole)
going ham on a bitch because of aforementioned swoleness
Katie’s not messing around, she’s going full-on yeeter’s gym to get that nasty backhand shot
To heck the frig outta somewhere
Jameson: “Bro, Alices dad just got back home and I don’t know how to get out of the house!”
Colt: “Climb through the window and jump. You need to yeeters meegeter as fast as you can!”
To be astronomically blown out of one's mind by "Substance's" you may or may not be abusing currently. P;
(Usually very stimulating substances.)
In regards to stimulating substance's you may find yourself "Yeetered Up"
Howard D Duck: "DiD YoU SeE HoW YEETERED UP ThEm HoOliGans wE'rE LaSt NiGhT?!, DaMnGuMmIt, LiL BaStErD's AlMosT ToOk My ToE OfF!!!!!!!"
a yeeter got yeeted when a yeeter got trown
yeeter: dont yeet me
not yeeter: (trows hem) yeet
the yeeter got yeeted
Okay it’s basically when something really good or cool happens and you then say yeeter skeet skeet; rather than yelling
We have our first game today bro!
The largest title a Yeeter can aquire. Only Veteran Yeeters who live by the Yeet code have a chance of being selected for this poition.
Oh Did you hear about Flamezy? He became Grand Master Supreme Yeeter yesterday, we must yeet him something.
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