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I’m smarter than you people think I am

Yes, I’m talking to you UrbanDictionary Jews

I only act dumber than I am, it’s an act. hehe

I’m smarter than you people think I am

by Death Menace May 14, 2022

You people are a fail

People accusing you of being an unfit partner when they all high as a kite.
When you get up every battling with depression and still do your best you can as a mom. You work till late making sure you can get school fees payed and your kids have clothes.

You people are a fail

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 3, 2019

You people

The correct vocative pronoun to be deployed whenever talking to a woke person

Why do you people want to imprison rapists with women? Why do you people want to castrate young boys?

by Old Phardt August 25, 2023

You people are vultures

A phrase used to describe a group of people roasting you to make everyone think you won.

Guy 1: Hey, remember when you...
Guy 2: Yeah man, you're such a hypocrite!
Guy 3: Oh my god, you people are vultures!

by Agent-Cash November 28, 2017

The (Psychic) Dictatorship of 'the people you SHOULD be listening to'

Welcome to the thing we are all doing... At this point in time we are experiencing...

Hym "The (Psychic) Dictatorship of 'the people you SHOULD be listening to'. It's one large Tu Quoque fallacy. You can see it everywhere. All over YouTube. They don't just arbitrate what you should think or how you should behave... They also dictate 'Who should or should not be listened to.' YOU NEED TO BE TOLD THAT BY YOUR BETTERS APPARENTLY!

Literally 98% of the YouTubers "Don't listen to THEM! You don't even have to listen to ME... But you SHOULD be listening to ME IN ABSTRACTION as someone who WOULD say the things I WOULD SAY to reinforce my ideological presuppositions!"

Hym "See that? ☝️ THAT right there is something to watch out for..."

by Hym Iam August 11, 2023