zaky, the most flawless person who is seamless; although he may make you feel unsure, you can still be assured that he is the most lovely and sweetest boy you'll ever meet.
the boy you’ll meet once in a lifetime but would still pray that he’ll be in every life you’ll have.
zaky, my favourite person
someone who’s precious, and loving yet misunderstood boy ever.
zaky, my universe
A slur often used toward those originating from the country Zazakistan. Highly offensive toward those of residence, especially those of elderly age or a disability.
"Have you met horatio , he is such a zaky"
Zaki is either an indian dude, or a paki. His favourite food is curry and he has a nice beard. He’s very smart but also knows how to ball. Zaki is a bit of a paki but it doesn’t matter!
“Have you seen that Zaki?!”
“Yeah he’s a bit of a paki.”
Zaki is a Charming name and a Charming person. He gets called Al-Zaik or Zak Donalds every time but he does not care.
Very fun and Bright boy. Not good a studies
hey Zaki, how is your new restaurant
might be a player might not be hes tall sometimes funny.
somehow he's smart but not when it comes to girls.
(who blows his chance with a Syrine!?)
Mann i have the same love life as Zaki *cries*
Another way to say "A dickhead" in South Africa.
The word "Zaki" derived from a person who was known to kiss dogs and have a skew nose.
The word can also be used as "Liar" or "Fraud"
The word "Zaki" is used as a very harsh insult in South Africa and brings great dishonor.
A harsh way of saying "Dickhead", "Poes", or "Liar".
"Bra, don't be a Zaki."