Source Code

zhao shang hao zhong guo

zhao shang hao zhong guo xian zai wu you... bing qi ling wo hen xi huan bing chilling

incompetent person: hey man, whats up?

jon xena: zhao shang hao zhong guo xian zai wu you bing qi ling wo hen xi huan bing chillin

by acquainted fetus April 22, 2023

9👍 5👎

zhao jin

A retard who is smart but quite lazy and mischievous

Person A: Dun be a Zhao Jin
Person B: WTF did u just say *faints on the spot*

by Anon1026481743916492740 October 4, 2018



zhao ist der beste in PUBG, Overwatch oder auch andere games. Nennt mich nicht Gott sondern satan ok

litmeme69 ist ein hurensohn

by Zxo March 22, 2018


To leave a conversation student without warning

"he was super boring, so I zhaoed outta there"

by Siege.eh April 17, 2021

Anthony Zhao

A short bitch who is silent during school but is fucking autistic outside of school. In any hour besides school hours, Anthony Zhao is a bloody beast who is hungry for attention. Whatever you do, don't give him attention. He games 24/7.

**Loud Audible Scream**
"Bro, I think I hear Anthony Zhao."
"Oh shit!"
"Fuck this shit, I'm out"

by XxABlueBrickWallxX December 12, 2019

zhao dong

A kind, smart, respectful, and handsome man. Very caring to his love ones, always help people in needs without hesitation. Hardworking and family oriented. Zhao dong is everyone's ideal man. In relationship, he is indeed a Green flag and love his partner purely. 💚

"Wow! so Handsome, who's that?"
"That's Zhao dong!"

by Aava July 18, 2022

Bill Zhao

Stands for a man that plays like a GOD

“There were many gods in this world, but none of them plays like BILL ZHAO

by DinkyMcdungus October 31, 2022