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A guy who will run to the door just to hold it open for a girl, who will pull out a girls seat even if he's across the room talking to his friends, who will offer to pay a girl back for her dance ticket just so they can get a couple's ticket, who will refuse to borrow money from any of his friends who are girls, even when he's broke and wants ice cream or a drink, and will instead offer to buy that girl something. He will always be polite and never rudely walk away from a conversation. He will laugh at all of a girl's jokes, even the lamest ones. He will never make a girl do anything she doesn't want to or pressure her to do anything. He will often say, "Ladies first," and he will actually mean it. He will always let the person he is with choose what they are doing or where they are going.

Adam is such a gentleman. He always opens the doors for girls and will insist on paying for them.

Zach calls Adam a pimp, but he's really just jealous because Adam is more of a gentleman than him.

by hesaysilookliketaylorswift October 18, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man which possesses style and class.
A very sharp dresser - wears a suit, or dress pants and blazer, shirt, mens shoes, and tie or bowtie.
A gentleman is chivalrous in nature and is always well behaved.

A Gentleman knows how to treat a lady with respect. (In the rare occasion he finds one)
Well groomed, with combed hair and a clean shave - 5 o'clock shadows are acceptable after a long day, but a shave is mandatory first thing in the morning.

The Gentleman is falsely believed to be extinct.
More accurately though, they have been driven off by feminists and loud promiscuous women, in the search for women whom possess the style and class to match them.
The few that remain among the general population are more commonly referred to as "Nice Guys".
They're usually disguised as common riff-raff, wearing jeans, sneakers, t-shirts; with facial hair and unruly haircuts, constantly failing to attract or please the opposite sex.
Their self-conduct and interactions with others, usually give them away though.
Very few gentlemen dare dress the part publicly, and conduct themselves accordingly.
This is partly to a rise in fake gentlemen, who knows the dresscode, but have no manners at all and WILL disrespect women.
These fakes are usually rather easy to spot, if you know what to look for.
The before mentioned jeans, sneakers, untucked shirts, and facial hair, in combination with any of the usual Gentleman identifiers, are dead givaway.

"What happened to the Gentleman in todays society? Good men are so hard to find."

by The Real Gentleman December 10, 2014

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The kind of guy that all women say they want, and many actually believe they want, but in fact they do not.

Heather: We went out three times and he was always a complete gentleman.
Jennifer: Oh, that's too bad.
Heather: Yeah, no sparks at all.

by FrankieZZ October 16, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another term for "cunt." This saying gained currency among visitors to Aint It Cool News' "The Zone," a forum created on internet geek Harry Knowles' popular website aintitcooldotcom. Since The Zone was meant to be a refuge from the mean-spirited TalkBacks giving voice to readers below every news item on the site, Knowles institued a system of "word replacement" in The Zone, whereby the easy insults such as "cunt" or "faggot" used by TalkBackers, when typed in The Zone would appear as kinder terms, such as (respectively) "gentleman" or "the one that I desire."

You stupid fucking gentleman!

After I went up on the handlebars of my mate's bike, I felt like a right gentleman.

by Lawrence Heimann October 3, 2006

282๐Ÿ‘ 297๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Gentleman

While doing a woman doggie style one hand is used to pull her hair, the other is used to insert your thumb into her anal cavity.

Last night I pulled The Gentleman on her.

by The Lenny December 27, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Here is what I find interesting about this word. It's meaning keeps changing over time, effectively downgrading the expectations of a gentleman to reflect societies changing expectations (lowering expectations).

The first use and meaning of "gentleman" is number 1 below, which is completely obsolete and out of use for about 200 years.

Numbers 2 through 4 are still in use with older generations today, but are foreign concepts to young people under 30 IMO.

People under 30 today don't (IMO) even know what a gentleman is, but the word still exists and the Andrew Dice Clay joke about it reflects a funny, and possibly realistic new standard of what a young gentleman is today. It's sad, but also funny too. May as well enjoy the laughs where we can.

1) A man who is gentry, nobility (but not royalty), upperclass.

2) A civilized, educated, sensitive, well-mannered man AND he has high social standing. That's a high standard. Probably the standard back in the days of my great grandparents and before.

3) Since lowered to mean any of the qualities of number 2, but no longer requires all of them.

4) A man of good behavior who is considerate of others. This is the definition my grandmother taught me.

5) A modern "gentleman" today is (as the trend continues) held to a lower, ever more modest standard than before.

I'll give a couple examples of a modern day young "gentleman".

Examples of number 5 type modern "gentleman":

Andrew Dice Clay joked that a modern day gentleman is a man who takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.

My girlfriend and I joke that a gentleman always applies lube before fucking his GF in her ass (with or without her consent), and before he accidentally chocks her aka rodeos her.

I'm a mix of old school and modern gentleman. I'm to kind to slap a woman's face or breasts. The idea of such a thing apalls me because it could injure her, and hitting those areas is off limits, even for fun. However, I do love slapping her ass good and hard (with my hand). If she screams and cries a little, that's a great aphrodisiac, but no woman ever got injured from a hand slap on the bottom.

The expectations of gentleman today are so low that I can be a modern day gentleman and an old school jerk simultaneously.

This is all a reflection of society's values in decline, IMO. Such that women my own age think (and tell me) I'm slightly a jerk, while younger women think (and tell me) I'm sweet (i.e. - a gentleman). I treat women exactly the same, regardless of their age. At least until the young women start acting appreciative of my "gentlemanly" ways. At that point I probably do treat them better because they treat me better.

From the point of view of young women, I can see their point. Compared to the typical young male brutes today, I am relatively a gentleman. Even though by old school standards, I'm a bit of a jerk.

The word "gentleman" is in decline along with the rest of society's values. Try to see the irony and humor in things because that makes life easier.

by CBthree July 26, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


A gentleman supports his wife or gf in public at all cost even though she may be wrong

Jake taught me a gentleman should respect a girl .. even to the point of buying her lunch.

by Zhen Wan August 17, 2017

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