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Acres Burger

A meal named after (and associated with) the impoverished, council house area of Four Acre in St Helens.
An Acres Burger is a standard burger where the conventional buns have been replaced with sliced white bread. This would typically be seen as a struggle meal and would likely be seen in instances where there is a lack of budget for burger buns (such as within the council houses of the Four Acre area). Because of this, the meal is typically ridiculed, especially when someone is consuming an Acres Burger nearby. The term 'Acres Burger' is typically exclusive to residents of St Helens due to the obscurity of the Four Acres area, so the term may be prefixed with a different area local to that of the user.

1- "Mate I'm fucking starving but there's nothing in the house."
2- "Have you got Farmfoods quarter pounders?"
1- "Yeah."
2- "Have you got a loaf of Warbies?"
1- "Yeah."
2- "Acres Burger."

by SpeechOfStHelens August 27, 2022

Acre Chaser

Origin: Adams County Nebraska

An ACRE CHASER is a woman who only dates farm boys of families which own "a lot" of land. Similar to a "Jersey Chaser" (a woman that only dates college/professional athletes) for financial or societal gain an ACRE CHASER'S motives are most commonly the same.

Geez! Melissa keeps dating bigger and bigger farmers with every dude she dates! What an acre chaser!

by Fulltill December 7, 2016

hell's acre

A very large area...esp when something/one is lost

"I've been looking all over hell's acre for you!"

by cincinnastygirl June 20, 2005

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Wise-acre is essentially synonymous with the terms jerk and jackass. One defining feature is that a wise-acre enjoys comedy more than anything, and therefore an insult comic or a practical joker would be called wise-acres. It has fallen into disuse recently, but it's still there.

Yeah, Tom's a real wise-acre. He screwed the top of the salt-lid off and when I went to pour it it fell off.

by Wesley Durrance October 17, 2005

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shady acres

A term used to describe an area that appears to be very sketchy and dangerous. Or, a place where upon entering, feelings of fright and nervousness come immediately into play.

1.) "Dude, we're so lost. I don't know how you kept looking at the map and managed to get us into this scary town. There's no lights on in this whole place and everything looks haunted. We're smack dab in the middle of shady acres."

2.) "I can't believe we're driving through the heart of the ghetto right now. This place is straight up shady acres."

by Jam Master Joke October 26, 2009

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Wild Acres

A small community nestled in Dingmans Ferry in Pike County in NEPA. Known to the local residents as Russianville because during the summer all you will see is Russians running around speaking their Russian language and being assholes. Other than that you'll find a bunch of teenagers thinking they are cool and doing drugs together and thinking they are the baddest thing on Earth.

Wild Acres is a horrible place to live man.

by CrackIsWackBois January 5, 2020

Sunset Acres

A hood in Shreveport, Louisiana. Known for Shootings, Racing, and Box Chevys. Long Live Juan & Jerry.

If you want to race, pull up in Sunset Acres on the backstreet, โ€œya heard meโ€?

by realkong900 December 29, 2020