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Email Adios Snub

A tactic used by people who want to get you off the phone while appearing to take interest in what you have to say.

Yes, I think that's fascinating! Could you email me something that I could share with everyone here? Seriously this is NOT an Email Adios Snub!"

by echolaliababy July 15, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Diego Adios

After a one night stand, take a massive shit in their toilet before leaving.

Hey I was at that girl Meganโ€™s house last night, I left her a San Diego Adios when I left!

by KrissKraut November 16, 2018

Buy a One Way Ticket To the Big Adios.


The act of taking one's own life.

To voluntarily leave this world for the next one.
Any entity that has caused its' own downfall by continued aberrant behavior.

1. Its' too bad about Jimmy. He'd been depressed a long time. No surprise he decided to Buy a Ticket To the Big Adios.

2. Hey, man, there's got to be another way besides Buying a One way Ticket To the Big Adios.

3. He made her so crazy she was going to Buy a One Way Ticket To the Bid Adios.

4. The tree huggers have a point. If this planet doesn't shape up we're Buying a One way Ticket To the Big Adios.

5. The feds should never have bailed out those banks. Its' their own fault they decided to Buy a One Way Ticket To the Big Adios.

6. I feel bad for those Marines in Afghanistan. Every time they leave the base its' a One Way Ticket To the Big Adios.

by goodcatholicboy July 18, 2009

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one of the most cursed things to be conceived on this earth.

adios is a discord server founded in wales that is so wretched it is wanted for war crimes.

you cannot leave adios. join at your own risk.

by ARSONGOOSE December 5, 2022

Adios Pelota

When someone booty claps on your balls so hard that you have to get one removed.

"Did you hear what happened to Eli?"

"No, tell me!"
"He and Kate went away for the weekend and things got crazy, she Adios Pelota'd him...he just got out of surgery this afternoon."
"Oh no! Not Eli!"

by paperthingoochie July 13, 2021

adios lika ghost

To pop up on the scene of a social situation and leave without telling anyone or very few. Quickly there and fast to be gone.... "POOF"...vanish into thin air. The phrase is for the explanation of such an occurance.

I gotta head out fast, I'm gonna adios lika ghost

by *ConoTheBarbarian* May 1, 2011

Adios Suckas

a form of saying goodbye if you're cool.

Person A: "I've gotta go"
Person B: "That's sad"
Person C: "yeah..."
Person A: "Well, Adios Suckas"

by helloimahumantotallytrustme May 4, 2021