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Basically a guy licking a girl's vaginal area with a scotch or vodka ice cube.

Eric gave is girl Lily a nice alaska and she had her period in his mouth. Unfortunately, she sent him her stds too.

by Take a lucky guess May 4, 2008

47πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


Where a person chews up ice to make their mouth cold and performs oral sex for another person.

She gave him an Alaska with the ice from her Big Gulp.

by Kristen September 8, 2004

59πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


Alaska is amazing, she is so gorgeous, sweet, intelligent, beautiful,funny and such a loyal friend. She loves family and friends, her friends she treasures and spoils with her hard working money. She is a true best friend. Get someone like her. Although many people dislike her as she speaks the truth and says it how it is. She is very unclear about feeling and doesn’t like sharing them with people. She feels as if people always leave, and has trust issues but she is sexxy.

She is not a country she is an Alaska

by Yo-yo-how March 26, 2018


The first name of a drag queen called Alaska Thunderfuck 5000

Someone: Hey did you think katya Zamolodchikova was robbed in all stars two ?
Me: noooo bitch alaska deserved the win !

by Biblegirlislife February 26, 2019


A realm in between this dimension and a plane of existance filled with pure destructive horror. This other world shall be known as PlaneX. This fissure in the space/time dimension wall is the source of all negative thoughts, emotions and consequently actions. The lack of light for extended periods of time and frigid temperatures have been attributed to the off kilter rotation of the earth in relation to the sun. It is in fact due to the contamination of being in contact with PlaneX emanations for long periods of time. The effects of these emanations do not spread equally across distance but rather in a seemingly malificently intelligent manner. Further research is being conducted. Any trip to alaska is highly advised against.

"Its been a shitty day alaska's really fucking with me."

"Alaska told me to..."
-a quotation from a psychotic man caught genetically enginering an army of super squirrel children hybrids

by Dustin n Leo May 20, 2008

34πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


America's Hair Flowing in the Wind!!!

Alaska is, indeed, America's Hair Flowing in the Wind.

by soulbrotha06 April 30, 2009

19πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A person (who may be male or female) who is deeply impulsive, and will act entirely on a whim. They probably smoke, and are pretty unpredictable. Often veer between being the life of the party and silent and thoughtful. Have a brilliant taste in literature.

For more, see Looking For Alaska by John Green.


1: Who's that diving into the lake?
2: That's Jay, she's so impulsive.
1: Dude, she is such an Alaska.

by Rhetorikally September 26, 2010

15πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž