That guy who is always talking big and bad, but never actually doing anything about it.
Andy wanted people to believe he was a tough guy but he’s all balls, no dick.
Fuck it you only live once , we all ball
“Yo D what if she rejects me” “Fuck it we all ball”
a game from chowder that involves no winning
its bad luck not to say the whole name
how many times do i have to say there is no winning in Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.
Fuck it we’ll all die some day , take once in a life time opportunities and not give a fuck , the understanding of having nothing to lose and living life
“Should I say fuck it and buy this car ?” “Fuck it we all ball”