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Human beings who laugh, cry, create. They are just as capable and have just as much potential and soul as anyone else. They have families, they have lives, they have homes, they have worries, they have emotions. Human beings who are just like anybody else but who are largely discriminated against solely because they are from the United States. Being an American is not easy and it most certainly is not always fun. People who think they are nationalistic don't understand that they need to be patriotic now more than ever, because it's what keeps their spirits up and gives them hope.

"All Americans are stupid, stubborn, obese, arrogant, and think they're awesome because they're from America. Americans are all a bunch of jerks."

"Wow, you sound like a self-centered, ignorant fuck who has no idea what he/she is talking about."

by DerpGirl August 20, 2011

176๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


(synonym: Yankees)

Mostly people who live in the USA are called Americans.
People in other countries like to call them fat and stupid which is the common stereotype. Americans think of themselves as free and rich.

When you think of americans the first thing that comes to mind is big fat people sitting on the terrace of McDonald's stuffing themselves.

by mite74 March 26, 2008

1082๐Ÿ‘ 661๐Ÿ‘Ž


Since I'm American, I'm going to tell you that an American is a person who lives in America. You can't say that 300,000,000 people (and counting) are all fat, ignorant, car-obsessed, self-obsessed slobs. There are some people like that, yes, but those people are usually either given a poorly-rated "reality" show or have the shit kicked out of them.

Me: So which presidential candidate do you think will do the best job?
Some idiot: Well, I'm not registered to vote so I don't really care and I don't know the issues.
Me: Maybe you should go on the "Flavor of Love"!

Me: Hey! Let's ride around town in a shopping cart!
My Friend: Yeah! That sounds fun!
Stereotype: Well, you guys have fun. I'm too fat to fit in a shopping cart and too lazy to push one. I'm going to find a Big Mac and maybe piss off some people on the internet so they'll hate Americans.
Me: ...Dude...

by my name is Be but that is taken March 30, 2008

430๐Ÿ‘ 261๐Ÿ‘Ž


Seriously, people of non-american heritage we're not all like that. Many of us actually hate our president and wish he'd walk into oncoming traffic. WE also believe that this war with Iraq is pointless and want to put a stop to it. Also, most of the people I grew up with only ate shitty McDonald's because our parents were too poor to buy both good food AND the drugs of their choice. I hope someday that American POLITICS and some whacked-out-crazy assholes will realize that America isn't the best country in the world. Someday, I'll leave America to travel to the most beautiful and interesting countries and I hope that I won't be hated (or loved, eek!) for being American.

non-american: Stupid Americans!
me: W-why? *commence sadness and possible crying* Why can't we all just get along!

Eek! Don't hate me! I'm nice, really! I like kitties... and skittles.... I always try to remember to turn off the lights when I'm not using it and I hate littering and... um, DON'T HATE ME!!! Please.

by Jaz'min February 14, 2008

168๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


This definition if for everybody who stereotypes America.

- Just because we have a high obesity rate does not mean every last single person is fat, I'd rather be fat than be starving , I think most normal people would agree

- We are not all stupid, yes there are stupid people but what country doesn't have stupid people, we have most of the elite universities in the world

- We aren't all ignorant, many of us have a desire to travel outside the U.S

- In school they teach us the metric system, and yes I know zero degrees celcius = 32 degrees faranheit

- Anybody who says America deserved 9/11 is heartless and evil, they were innocent people and had nothing to do with the goverment's action

- I know that American means anybody from North, South, or Central America but mainly it means somebody from the U.S because you don't refer to somebody from Brazil as a south american but just as Brazillian to make it more specific

- You can't just sterotype a whole nation and be correct, I could say that in England everyone has bad teeth and drinks tea but that is not true for everybody and it is ignorant which is exactly the same when you try to sterotype Americans

- Also the joke is on the people who are from different countries and sterotype us, I bet you thousands of people from your country come to ours so you are also making fun of your own people

Person A: Hahaha Americans are fat and stupid!

Person B: That is ignorant because American is not a race, Whites, blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, and others come to America so your making fun of your own people

by Jersey Kid November 11, 2007

890๐Ÿ‘ 618๐Ÿ‘Ž


People from America that are generally well-liked, easy going, and sometimes crazy (in a good way). Americans have the large scale on personality due to its diversity of culture and race in its population. On one hand, you have gays and lesbians participating in a gay pride parade, on the other, gays are being killed by others upon discovering their orientation. On one hand, you have "prides" (Black Pride), on the other, you have extreme-ists (KKK). One one hand, you have amazing college professors, on the other, you have the fat american kid that doesn't know shit.

-Americans are fat; Yeah, some are really fatasses, but many are really fit.
-American kids are rich and spoiled; Yeah, those that are expats in international schools and those in public schools can be real brats. But you probably are too, if you're encountering them and not the better ones.
-Americans are racist; Yeah, those trolls you see online, that white kid that picks on minorities, etc really need to be ball-smacked. But those are usually ignorant people from ages 10-25. Young, stupid, unsophisticated.

In general, they're pretty nice people. Respectable and reasonable, only a small percentage of the American population are douchebags.

This is not written by an american.

You racist shitfuckers at my school deserve to be castrated.

I should have given that Americans who found my wallet my week's pay.

by vlieT November 12, 2009

330๐Ÿ‘ 224๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anime or Manga that has been edited so as to not include what the authors originally intended. This editing is to make it possible to send this product into the minds of small children who aren't smart enough to understand americanization makes the product crappy and are unable to get it the proper way, straight from Japan.

Yu-Gi-Oh is what happens when americanization gets out of hand.

by Alex Trujillo May 5, 2004

48๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž