Used to describe people whose dick and brain share a single cell.
The idiotic man had no ability to understand that not everyone wants to be sexualized by him and that making women uncomfortable isn't okay just because it makes him feel good, He's an amoeba dick for brains.
A simple minded person. A dim-wit. Their brain is roughly the size of an amoeba and it functions just as efficiently.
How are you not getting this? It’s so darn simple. Are you an Amoeba-brain?
When a man takes copious ammounts of steroids and is unable to reach full errection. He is then unable to successfully reach orgasm during intercourse, most prominently via the reverse cowgirl position.
"Jeff is such a Disgruntled Amoeba from all the juicing he did back in his sports days. He's very sensitive of this fact."
the greatest group of girls in the world, founders of BASB, future wealthy leaders of america
I wish I was a part of the amoebas..oh wait! I am!
Basically, the best online platform present till date to learn medicine from. Best concise interactive courses available for every medico, at any level. Amoeba Medicine simplifies medical subjects so that you soak up everything necessary like a sponge.
Amoeba Medicine is where I found inspiration to study again during the pandemic. Medicine is now fun..
The coolest music in GTA V, which gives you an extreme energy and makes you kill everything that dares to breath.
I was riding in my tank peacefully, and then Amoeba by The Adolescents played on Channel X, I had 5 stars in one minute.