A now dead channel featuring Mark Fischbach and Ethan Nestor with the purpose of deleting in a year's time. The channel was meant to showcase the idea that we as humans only have so much time, and that the clock on our lives is always ticking. The channel was light in content but usually had dark undertones of death and the inevitability that one day we will not be remembered. The idea of making the most of the time we have remaining in our lives was frequently brought up in videos, both subtly and subliminally. Unus and Annus, the two characters of the channel were the face of many conspiracy theories and lore regarding who they were, how they came to be and if they could stop the clock that counted down until the day they died, when the channel was deleted. The beginning and end of each video was displayed with a ticking timer counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds of how much time the channel had left to live. Despite the begging of fans and friends alike, on November 13th, 2020 the Unus Annus youtube channel was deleted, along with its 365 videos, lore, characters, secret messages and mysteries never fully discovered. The channel is forever gone now, but the memory of Unus Annus lives on in the minds of fans and the 4 million subscribers that followed the channel to its death. The clock is ticking for us all, and one day we will die. Let us make the most of the time we have left. Memento Mori. Unus Annus.
Memento Mori. Unus Annus.
Biggus annus is the Latin name for a woman whose arse resembles than of a small hippo.
Also the Latin name for the larger than usual woman name Anne.
This condition is caused by spending ones life gorging on a selection of donuts cake crisps and McDonalds to excess, like a human black hole and not walking for more than a few yards a day
When a biggus annus gets on the bus she needs to purchase two tickets.. One for each arse cheek.
51๐ 18๐
You wouldn't get it... you really would have had to been there.
What is Unus Annus? You wouldn't understand.
7๐ 1๐
It's too late.
Memento Mori
Hey do you remember Unus Annus?
No what's that?
*sigh* you wouldn't get it
1. Unus Annus Is a channel made by Markiplier and Crankgameplays and will be deleted on November 14th, 2020. It teaches its viewers about the inevitability of death and how the clock is always ticking.
2. Your time is up loser
only joking
Memento Mori, Unus Annus :))
Lincoln, lord of Link: "Yo remember Unus Annus?"
Lord Lincoln of the Link: "...It died yesterday why are you rubbing salt in my wounds"
Unus Annus (lat. = One Year) was a project on YouTube made by Markiplier, as Annus, and Crankgameplays, as Unus.
The reason behind the channel was to enjoy the time you had, live in the moment, and remember that everything comes to an end eventually.
(Also worth noting: Memento Mori = Remember Death)
They would upload every day for a year and delete the whole channel after the clock stops ticking.
Memento Mori
Unus Annus
A: Did you watch the new Unus Annus video?
B: Yes of course I did! What's your favorite video by the way?
A: Hard to say... I think "Helium Therapy" was really cool.
B: My favorite video was "Mark knows what Ethan did" to be honest haha.
By the way, are you an Unus or an Annus?
A: I am an I Unus, and you?
B: I am Norbert actually.
(Norbert Moses was a fusion of Mark and Ethan)
A Latin phrase meaning 'the Year of Disaster'. This can also be interpreted literally as 'the horrible year' or 'a horrible year'. However, the solemnity surrounding the common use of this phase, in conjunction with the inflection typically given it, implies the definitive nature of the year. That is, Annus Horribilis is the worst year, the year of horror, disaster, and calamity. This distinction is with respect to the speaker's own experience. That is the worst year of one's life imaginable. In general, people die or suffer fates worse than death.
"2020 was bad, but 2021 was my Annus Horribilis. I was so burnt out by my engineering school that I turned to alcohol abuse to battle depression and suicidal thoughts. While planning our wedding, my fiance dumped me and as a result, I lost my perspective job working with her dad. As a result, I dropped out of school, guaranteeing another full year and a half of a school I hate, for a total of six years to get a Bachelor's Degree that I don't even want anymore. On top of this, a philosophical role model of mine died and turned out to be a sexual predator, my Mom spent months in and out of surgery, an Aunt and Uncle are getting divorced, and I have developed social anxiety to the degree that I find it extremely difficult to be around people for any amount of time, to the point of legitimate fear on many occasions. I now have lost all sense of peace, joy, and purpose.
Annus. Horribilis."