The need to borrow a telephone because your battery has gone dead.
Phone appetit mate?
A person with an appetite that always kicks in at a bad time and becomes very bitchy when they don't get their food.
Hunter and Noah are in the car on a 2 hour trip when Hunter suddenly becomes hungry.
Hunter: Noah we need to pull over at a rest stop I'm starving.
Noah: Really you just ate before we left and we have been in the car for 25 minutes.
Hunter: Just pull the fuck over and get me some fucking food you prick.
Noah: Shit man you have such an inconveniencing appetite.
To habitually and often uncontrollably chew one’s own flesh, to eat oneself, often out of anxiety or boredom.
Common appendages on the body that are subjected to the effects of Devil’s Appetite are the sides of one’s knuckles, callouses on the soles of feet and toes, and the palms of one’s hands.
“Michael, why is there blood smudged on your paper?”
“Sorry, I have Devil’s Appetite and sometimes I take it a little too far.”
The bizarre habit of eating grass. From the fact that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia had such an eating perversion.
The boy sometimes eats grass when he is hungry. I think he has Nebuchadnezzar’s appetite.
Women that is Hungry, and longs to graze on a extended flag pole, with a Sexual appetite
Oh lord here she goes again, she must have developed a bonar appetit.
What you say to Rover when tossing him a meaty femur-fragment.
Eating a healthy diet makes your love-juice taste better, and so you will be able to more-truthfully tell a man-milk-thirsty gal, "bone appetit" when she wraps her lips around your "skeleton-stiff" appendage.
my girlfriend is so roman attic! i come inside from outside to this everyday! Boney African feet! (Bon Appetite)