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Helina appreciation day

The day when all people named Helina, Helena, Jelena, and the others who have a similar name can get their hugs from random people. on that day you can give a person named Helina a gift like food or Minecraft diamonds. if your friend is short then you can give them a pack of ramen.
The Helina appreciation day is on April 20th. That's the prettiest day in April.

We all have a friend named Helina (Helena, Jelena, and the other similar names), and they need their own day that will be a Helina appreciation day.

by SokkSniffer February 12, 2021

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Sapnap Appreciation Day

On 2020, December 1st. People showed lots of appreciation to Sapnap. A great Minecraft YouTuber. He is adorable and deserves so much love. Now, go celebrate Sapnap Appreciation Day.

Hey! Its Sapnap Appreciation Day. Appreciate him.

by December 1, 2020

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Femboy appreciation day

June 2nd all fem boys get to wear skirts and be greatly admired no hate is allowed to come to these men on this day

"Hey man why are you wearing a skirt those are for girls" "shush dude its femboy appreciation day"

by Ravensnews June 2, 2021

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nigga appreciation day

A day to appreciate that nigga

It’s May 23rd Make sure ur nigga knows u appreciate them cuz it’s “nigga appreciation day”

by Hdjshevdisvs May 22, 2022

Mal Appreciation Day

If you have a Mal you should appreciate her on June the 9th annually.

It's mal appreciation day, appreciate your mal.

by A_Mere_Fork July 19, 2021

Nicholas Appreciation Day

Nicholas Appreciation Day, on August 7th, is a day we’re you only do nice things for nicholas and give him gifts and treat him with respect.

“Hey nicholas, it’s august 7th, Nicholas Appreciation Day! here’s a present.

by budyboyyyy August 7, 2021

eva appreciation day

occurs on december 27 where all eva’s are appreciated ((:

ori: hey what’s today??
layl: omg it’s december 27
nat: bro it’s eva appreciation day
vic: :O it is !!
everybody: happy eva appreciation day 😄
eva: what the fuck

by lsdlayla December 27, 2021