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A woman who is unique in her own right. Not what you'd expect but a very pleasant surprise. Beautiful inside and most definitely out.

Thoughtful, sweet, real down to earth, and funny. Don't let the looks fool you! She may look like a model but will eat Mickey D's.

I can feel it in my bones that this is someone definitely worth getting to know.

Arelis = Awesome!!

"Yo I was with that chick Arelis last night, and I was like DAAYYUUUMMM! She's a swell gal!"

by kittenadmirer March 6, 2010

196πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Areli is a variant of Arella, Arela (Hebrew) and Aurelia (Latin), and the meaning of Arela is "messenger from God, angel; golden".

The name Areli is so beautiful!

by Fatima Areli February 3, 2010

387πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing girl in the world.
She’s beautiful inside and outside

Arely is one of a kind, she’s there for you in the best times and the worst time

She’ll always have your back and will never give up on someone. gives unconditional love, she has long black beautiful hair and a dark tone to her.

She’s loves anime, movies, books and hanging with friends. Arely is very smart and is fluent in 3 different languages,She never disappoints

Arely is very sweet

by Outranked34 August 7, 2019

41πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful girl who loves full hearted

She's nice to everyone she meets but ones you do something to get her mad she will forever remember .

You don't wanna mess with her when she's mad.

An Arely is a really independent woman , that don't need to tell everyone her problems.
She don't show a lot of emotional ,for she feels it shows as a sigh of weakness
She is wonderful and amazing and she will make you very happy.

She take care of her family for they are the most valuable thing to her.
She is a great friend to have and the worst enemy to have, she will always give you an honest opinion no matter who you are her best friend her mom ext.

Arelys is amazing

by AlexRedEye April 3, 2018

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The sweetest girl on earth, best friend ever, loyal friend, nice and super BEAUTIFUL

When someone is extremely nice. She was so an Arelis

by Being-Annie February 4, 2010

206πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


Ares, the Greek god of war, is tall and handsome, but vain and as cruel as his brother Hephaestus was kind. His sister Eris, the goddess of strife, is his constant companion, but he is also attended by his sons Deimos and Phobos, as well as Enyo, an old war-goddess. When Ares heard the clashing of arms, he grinned with glee, put on his gleaming helmet, and leapt into his war chariot. Brandishing his sword, he rushed into the thick of battle, not caring who won or lost as long as blood was shed. A vicious crowd followed at his heels, carrying with them Pain, Panic, Famine and Oblivion. Once in a while, Ares was wounded. He was immortal but whenever he would get hurt he would run back to his father, Zeus and was healed. Needless to say, Zeus was very disgusted with his son. Ares was mainly worshipped in Thracia, a region known for its fierce people.

He is greek equivelint of the Roman God of War, Mars.

Ares is in my oppinion, one of the coolest gods

by Sknywhtboy88 November 5, 2004

219πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


Greek god of War often refferd to al the most brutal god , he usually dominates the battlefield with his great knowledge of the art of war. He is also short tempered that's why you shouldn't mess with him

For the people who are named Ares they have inherritated some of his qualities.
They are a bit short tempered but their hunger for war isn't that great. The most people who know an 'Ares' are very lucky because his name is very rare, he is a very good and loyal friend but also likes a bit of attention from time to time. They are usually tall and handsome and because it's a mediterranian name they have a nice tan

They aren't perfect but there isn't a better friend. Also you couldn't wish for a better lover.

Katie: man look at that one ... That girl is so lucky I bet he is an Ares.

Katie's friend: Yeah I wish he was mine

by Skaiz June 18, 2013

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž