After giving a partner a hot lunch they then proceed to throw up the entries into a bowl you then eat the remnants
Your artichoke stew was very moist.
Swedish confused waitress medurs up starters and spilled the soup on a already deliverd egg-starter and voilà the artichoke soupe on eggs was discovered as a fucked up dish without any fucking flavour you would want, the guest was chocked but hey the texture was lovely with egg yolk and soup. Eat your soup Fanny! 2021-11-23 Dalarö
Can I please have the egg-starter.
Sure, if you want me to pour Jerusalem artichoke soup on your egg starter.
Jerusalem artichoke soup on eggs
Commonly used dad joke, meaning “okay” but in a more dad like state
“Dad I want to go to Brian’s house”
“Okie dokie artichoke”
Hard to get any enjoyment from, not filling, rough around the edges, hard work for little payoff.
"Kyle was the biggest artichoke I've ever met!" "Ryan was an artichoke fo sho!" "Short Guy Ry Ry, the choke?"
This is a rare type of penis disorder. It it when the tip is bent or misshapen and resembles an artichoke. It is most common in Asians though Caucasians are also very likely the be born with this strange disorder. The scientific name is Artichocious Penusem and the first ever case was seen in a man named Möi Pang in the 1800's. Since then there have only been a few thousand known cases.
"I hooked up with this guy and he was a real Lord of Artichoke! It was actually kind of hot, honestly."
"Man, after that baseball hit me in the nards, I might have even become a Lord of Artichoke."
When an artiman artichokes his artigirlfriend during artisex.
Last night I was artichoking my artigirlfiend with my artidick and it was artikinky.