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Candy Ass

Someone who does nothing but play Candy Crush Saga all day.

If I get another invite from that candy ass Jason again, I will personally go to his house and stab him with a pixie stick!

by Tujiro October 16, 2013

24๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Candy Ass

A spineless, indecisive sissy courted by democrats with the promise of entitlements and hate crime legislation. The group of candy asses includes prancing poofters, mama's boys, pantywaists, mush wimps, guys who drive chick cars, and residents of Berkeley, California.

That William sure is a Candy Ass. He is so spineless, he wants the government to wipe his nose and be responsible for his failures.

by Tuna Wanda May 28, 2005

110๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

candy ass

1.a gay guy who gets fucked in the ass alot because other gay guys like fucking his ass, can be because.
a)he is an easy lay.
b)he always just there wanting u to fuck him in his ass.
c)he has a tight ass hole and it feels sooo good to slide your dick in and out of his tight, sweet little ass.

2. the ass hole of a gay guy that remains tight no matter how many times he is fucked up his ass whether hard or slow or with a huge or average dick/dildo, whether the fucking is wet or dry. gay guys like to fuck a guy with a candy ass because it feels good, a guy with a candy ass likes to be fucked in his ass because it feels good to have a big dick sliding in and out of your tight, sweet little ass. i should know because i have a candy ass. candy ass guys insist on the use of special gay condoms, no barebacks.

1)yo that guys a candy ass.
2)last nite i got fucked in the ass and because i have a candy ass it feels good to have sex and i can pull every time i go out, but they have to wear gay condoms, no barebacks alowed.

by big bad boy May 23, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


A college Football player (usually a quarterback) who chooses to transfer to a new school when he loses the starting job. Rather than support his team in a backup role, like a real team player, he quits and/or transfers...thinking only of himself.

Kelly Bryant had a chance to win a national title at Clemson, but he acted like a Candy-Ass instead and quit on his team rather than play as a back up quarterback

by BM T-ray September 1, 2019

candy ass

Adjective that describes easy to digest, feel-good music, movies, etc. Often describes pop music and pop movies, but is more insulting when applied to something that's supposed to be alternative, but really isn't. Creations that appeal to the masses of idiots, but are dumbass nonetheless.

Blink 182 is some candy ass shit - how about some real music?

by Blinger July 12, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

candy ass

What the basketball coach calls you when you make a mistake or dont tell him that your ready to go back into the game.

Damnit scott your such a candy ass for not doin that play right!!!!!!!

by Scott Stephens February 26, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

candy ass

a donkey that is made out of candy

hey billy pass me that candy ass, I want to lick him all up

by Ryan June 12, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž