Zero: Dear to whomever it has triggered, Achilles, the frequency auditor, born by hand and killed by feet because he was so endowed in the trench that he was laid to rest so a male can portray the rest. Sincerely yours, Angel Jose Robles
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 343: The Nicotine, tobbacco, perianal abscess auditor: The First Juvenile Release
Person 343: Sade's Smooth Operator Song Is The Frequency Auditor 《¤》.
Zero: Dear to whomever it has triggered, Achilles, the frequency auditor, born by hand and killed by feet because she was so endowed in the trench that she was laid to rest so a male can portray the rest. Sincerely yours, Angel Jose Robles