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Aversive Racism

1. a type of racism that occurs when a person sees a statistic and doesn't immediately assume racism is the reason for it

2. a type of racism that occurs when a person brings up any legitimate or logical explanation as to why there might an inequity between two groups of races (mainly one has to be white), that isn't racism

3. a type of racism that occurs when someone is being a critical thinker; (thinking is a white construct)

It's aversive racism to suggest that Breonna Taylor was tragically killed by cops because they were defending themselves after her boyfriend started shooting them, and not because they were racist themselves.

Wal-Mart is leaving Chicago because A) they want to starve black neighborhoods, or B) they're getting shoplifted into oblivion. If you think the latter, you're committing aversive racism.

You think our racial backgrounds aren't why you make $350K a year but I only make $250K, but think it's because you got 3 PhDs and I became a construction worker? You're using your PhDs to commit aversive racism.

by WeWuzKayngz November 16, 2023

link clicking aversion

When someone doesn't click on a link for fear of opening a website containing a virus.

Dave: What was that link in that email you sent me yesterday?
Mike: It was a link to our wedding website.
Dave: Oh, I didn't click on it because I have link clicking aversion.
Mike: It said in the subject line that it was our wedding website and the email came from me. What is wrong with you?
Dave: I have a problem, I'm seeing someone

by stlhoosier June 15, 2012

Averse Canoodling

To kiss and hug someone (often times comicly) in an attempt to get them to squeel and or react in a manner as if they dislike the behavior. Often done as a parent to a small child as if to embarrass them.

The mother embarrassed her third grade son by averse canoodling him in front of his classmates, Johnny was not amused.

by Roflcopterss April 12, 2021