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balls in yo balls

balls in yo balls means gay sex

a: lets have "balls in yo balls, josh"

josh: okay bby

by w suit November 18, 2022

Ball ball ball Lin Lin

A term used by numerous individuals in a conversation. This phrase is typically used to agree with someone.

Person 1: "This pool is very nice."
Person 2: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
Person 3: "Ball ball ball lin lin."

by mericafryingpan September 23, 2023

Ball ball ball Lin Lin

A term used by numerous individuals in a conversation. This phrase is typically used to agree with someone.

Person 1: "This pool is very nice."
Person 2: "Ball ball ball lin lin."
Person 3: "Ball ball ball lin lin."

by mericafryingpan September 23, 2023

Ball to Balls Contact

When you’re playing a sport that uses a ball and it hits your scrotum

Guy: Oh shit! The basketball just hit me right in the balls!
Guy 2: That’s Ball to Balls Contact right there!

by StudMastaFlex34 April 2, 2022


When you get kicked by your annoying fucking siblings in the balls


by Zack Lazer October 12, 2018

when the balls are balls

a common term that describes a hardcore event that involves hard things

guy 1: (sends a video of hardheadedness)
response: "that's what happens when the balls are balls "
response 2:"that's the balls"

by cheeze handler February 22, 2022


A vessel restricted in maneuvering. A vessel constrained to a navigable course to keep the vessel out of harms way.

While entering and leaving home port Ball-Diamond-Ball must be displayed to show others you must remain safe and therefore will not change course.

by Pierced69 January 8, 2022