The act of playing a game or using a device precisely at the time of your visitors’ arrival, that you otherwise wouldn’t be playing or using, to create the illusion that you frequently use said game or device and made a good purchase decision
He doesn’t actually play with that thing; he was just steel battalioning so we wouldn’t point out that he wasted $150.
A person or a group of teenage military larpers, mainly russian/ ukrainian supporters, who go on online posts about a conflict (mainly ukraine war) and spams a bunch of shit stating they support _____ from _____ and proceed to turn into panty shitters if anybody disagrees or call them out
Youtube Video
Ukrainian GoPro footage captures moment when Russian blah blah blah blah blah blah
2. Jesus fucking christ here comes the Keyboard Battalion
A crapload of soldiers leaded by a lieutenant corporal, and subdivided into a number of companies.
The US army fought the Battalion of German soldiers.
A military unit which comprise of roughly 500 to 1000 soldiers. They can be identified with 2 slashes above a rectangle in military sign language. Battalion is rarely use for other units except Infantry, Artillery and Tanks. A battalion is subdivided into companies of soldiers, each numbering 50 to 250 soldiers.
The 16th Infantry Battalion have smashed through the enemy defences!