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atheist buddhism

Not all forms of Buddhism denny the existence of Gods, heavens, hells, re-incarnation, or other supernatural experiences. Atheist Buddhism emphasizes the parts of Siddhartha Gautama's teaching that emphasized focusing on compassion and effectiveness in this world for this world. Further, for the Atheist Buddhist, unlike many Atheist Westerners, the highest quality of life, or enlightenment, comes not from glorifying the self but by doing things that allow us to transcend ourselves to where we realize the self is an illusion and the barrier between "I" and "reality" disappears. When you are truly in the moment, in that "just do it" mindset, we do not know or care about the past or future, but just "are we doing the compassionate and effective thing right now?"

Not every Buddhist practices an atheist buddhism. Some believe in re-incarnation and some believe in a heaven/hell structure.

by ErnDog December 22, 2006

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Mahayana Buddhism

The more informal kind of Buddhism, as opposed to the strict and formal Theravada Buddhism. Mahayana literally means big ox cart, while Theravada means small ox cart, because there are many more people who are informal than formal. Some believe in the teachings and ways of Buddha but do not follow and believe all of them. Many Mahayana Buddhists are atheists and do not see Siddhartha Gautama as a God, but rather a teacher to look up to. However, a Mahayana Buddhist isn't necessarily atheistic, just not as strict as Theravada Buddhists.

Example for Mahayana Buddhism:
I'm a Mahayana Buddhist, and although I believe in everything Buddha taught in his lifetime, I do not consider him divine or godly.

by Kazera June 17, 2006

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Den Buddhism

when one "converts" to buddhism for the purpose of interior decoration. Very common among the White Urban Liberal (WUL) demographic and especially so in Boulder, CO.

guy 1: dude, Jeff just converted to Buddhism
guy 2: how?
guy 1: I don't know, he just started putting up all this Buddhist crap in his living room
guy 2: Jeff practices Den Buddhism then.

by remo306 August 23, 2008

Atheistic Buddhism

The belief that no God or deity exists out of the context of physicality, in the same way a traditional atheist does. The Atheistic Buddhist however does follow the ways of the Buddhist philosophy.

Religious person: Hey! What religion do you believe in?

Atheistic Buddhist: I am a follower of Atheistic Buddhism.

Religious Person: What's that

Atheistic Buddhist: I don't believe in any God or Gods, but I still follow the teachings of Buddhism.

Religious Person: Ah! Interesting!

by Joe Doe Doe May 16, 2012

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Budweiser Buddhism

Someone who becomes philosophical after consuming mass quantities of Budweiser, much to the dismay of those around them.

There goes Jerry again with his Budweiser Buddhism, I went to say Hi and he just said, " I am therefore I drink ". How about not inviting Confucius again !!

by Susabar August 9, 2009

Dirty Buddhism

A branch of Buddhism that stresses its utility as a philosophy and way of life, and not a religion. Dirty Buddhism originated in Spain, where it is commonly practiced by its followers through light-hearted discussion over plates of serrano ham and manchego cheese, while consuming copious amounts of red wine.

He went to Spain on a pilgrimage to discover the origins of Dirty Buddhism.

by Dirty Buddhist October 31, 2010

Pantheistic Solipsistic Buddhism

Today, a young philosophy major on Magic Mushrooms, realized that all matter in the Universe is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration; that our souls are actually the electronic energy connections within our minds. That we are all one universal consciousness born into separate realities, experiencing itself subjectively. There is NO such thing as space and time or death; life is only an existential dream, and everything that ever thrived in the universe (humans, animals, plants, stars) is the imagination of ourselves.

Pretty much true.

Today, a young philosophy major on Magic Mushrooms, realized that all matter in the Universe is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration; that our souls are actually the electronic energy connections within our minds. That we are all one universal consciousness born into separate realities, experiencing itself subjectively. There is NO such thing as space and time or death; life is only an existential dream, and everything that ever thrived in the universe (humans, animals, plants, stars) is the imagination of ourselves.

Pantheistic Solipsistic Buddhism

by Kongamuse August 27, 2013

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