A Buffle Bro is a student of the University of Colorado and enjoys spending his time watching sports and "bro-ing" out looking at tiffs. His favorite past-time, however, is looking like a total douche bag.
That Buffle Bro has three popped collars and a Buffaloes jersey on.
To feel extremely pleased or encouraged by someone's words or actions.
I was really buffled to see so many people show up for the chess tournament.
Absolutely tossed, hammered, shitfaced. The kinda drunk where you wakeup the next day not remebering anything you did, but somehow knowing you did some fuckshit
Sammy: Yo jolly did i do some dumb shit last night
Jolly: dawg you were absolutely buffled, you walked into a random broads party and pumped out 50 pushups
When someone has all of a sudden become best friends with someone, maybe they reject or neglect thier old friends. A version of BFFL. But a degrading word, not as if you would say hey me and sarah are Buffles! You wouldnt like to be called buffles. Usually between Girls.
You are Diedre are such Buffles all of a sudden
Gemma and Kayley have become Buffles so fast.
OMG, I cant belive Francis has become Buffles with Beth.
Trying to look busy when you have been goofing off.
People who try to look busy to cover goofing off need creative thinking skills.
People who try to buffle need creative thinking skills.
Noun. Someone or something that is continuously in the way.
"Shuffle Buffle," said while trying to convince person to move.