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National Buss down day

Buss down: twerk, “buss it open”, or “throw it back

Monica said she couldn’t wait for national buss down day

by Freak,freak nasty October 10, 2019

Bussing the doenes down

It means you describe someone having sex.

Samantha was busy bussing the doenes down wish Tom

by B._. December 13, 2022


It is a word used for describing a drink you had last night.
It is also a word used for describing a glass window.

Example 1 "Yo that drink was so 'Bussed-Down"
Example 2 "Yo that window is so 'Bussed Down

by El Dorado March 1, 2022

buss it down

the term 'buss it down' is used when exchanging sexually explicit images used for pleasuring intentions for one another.

mariam: "okay but did yous buss it down"
lisa: "fuck yeah we bussed it down, his dick is my fav"

by busss August 18, 2022