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A country whose citizens are unable to maintain sanity throughout the day without imbibing vast quantities of hot coffee.

Thanks to ever numerous locations of Tim Hortons, Canada has become a caffeination

by Sinned383 June 30, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, and many stoners use it to deter the fact that they are most of the time wasting their lives smoking pot for hours, instead of doing something productive.

โ€๏ผจey man like um don't you know everyone who hates stoners consumes poisons such as alcohol and (caffeine). Stoners are generally a friendly minority, peaceful, and harmless, there isn't any proof against that, and it's not like a lot of stoners are just thugs who think they are tough. The arrogant people bitching about them smoking marijuana, are usually totally worse than the guy standing on the corner with his squad, slinging pot to strangers, and breaking into peoples houses to steal their stuff if their is weed plants inside.

by Someone with a brain, stupid March 9, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A legal amphetamine which is found in the leaves and flowers of the tea plant, or the seeds of coffee and cacao/cocoa plants.

Jolt Cola has twice as much caffeine as Mountain Dew.

Some chocolates have a higher concentration of caffeine than others.

by AYB July 12, 2003

38๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


Popular line of clothing worn originally by ravers. Mostly noted for their very baggy jeans and pants. Caffeines are now sold widely in Hot Topic stores and worn by more than just ravers, but generally any of the youth population seeking to avoid the so-called preppy look.

Dude, check out my new pair of Caffeines.

by Aegrimonia July 11, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


SCIENCE! - Strong Sad.

Since caffeine + Strong Sad = SCIENCE!, that obviously means that SCIENCE! - Strong Sad = caffeine. And also, SCIENCE! - caffeine = Strong Sad.

by Tom December 19, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Caffeine Tsunami

The inevitable urge to crap after drinking a cup of coffee, produced by the physiological effects of caffeine on the bowels. Usualy this urge comes on fast and strong, like an unstoppable rebel force.

Jake: "Why were you late to class this morning?"

Ben: "The caffeine tsunami hit on the drive to school. It was all I could do make it to the can."

by Waine Ker November 18, 2012

caffeine and pizza

first: they are two lovely things
second: a phrase for someone who has a lot of energy, they run off caffeine, and is also pretty chill. they're generally nice humans and have good taste.

He's a real caffeine and pizza, and that's why I love hanging out with him!

by beepothegreatpuppet May 5, 2020