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Land of Botox, Broken Dreams, Corruption, waste spending, yuppies, punkers, retarded liberals, protesters, hobos, and above all

In other words, a shitty hellhole.


"Man, I fucking hate living in California. I wanna move to florida, or virginia, or texas...fuck how about nevada? Anywhere but here. *stabs self*"

by Snak3 October 3, 2004

145๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


a state that will break apart & sink in the ocean not too long from now.

hey did you hear about california? it sunk!

hahaa. good thing i live in michigan. bitchesss.

by beautyyyy9 July 28, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A State thats pretty much like every other state, yet for some reason people pick on it more than any other state in the union. Talk about a jealous bunch

California fucking rocks. But so does every other state. Now shut the fuck up and go to work.

by Cow July 6, 2003

197๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just another state. Big fucking deal.

You: "I'm from California where everything is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

Me: Uh huh.

by ThunderMummy November 21, 2005

124๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


The basic culture of California is dishonesty. People lie, cheat, and steal with abandon, and those are your friends. The overall attitude is an arrogant "better than thou" with over the top social abuse. The people are generally good-looking with well kept bodies, and are active in the outdoors. But it doesn't mean much because of the extraordinary shallowness here. Bodies are more important than the person him/her self. Making money and sex is everything. So lots of partying and "fun", because that is the meaning of life to them. Doesn't get any deeper than that. Expect to get dissed as a matter of everyday life, because in California you are what you look like as if you were a character in the movies.

The social structure is medieval. The government is corrupt, schools are corrupt, the medical system is corrupt, and the police are corrupt. All these institutions regularly abuse people in astounding ways, neglect their basic jobs, and treat you according to some invisible social hierarchy. Kind of like the "nobility" that rapes the "peasantry" because they can. It is the least ethical state in which I've lived.

If you are shallow, arrogant, materialistic, abusive to "inferiors", unethical, dishonest, think lying is ok, and love to steal from your friends, that the body itself is the most important thing about a person, that life has no meaning other than partying, you'll do well here.

Extraordinary selfishness abounds here. Californians like to think they are diverse and compassionate, but in fact, they just don't care about you. Think gay. California is not compassionate about gays, they just don't care about them as people. The homeless situation is the same. I never saw so much homelessness anywhere. They just don't care about anyone except themselves. I've seen a good-looking woman in a Mercedes hit a well dressed man with her car as she was driving out of a parking garage, then become annoyed and impatient because some slob ran into her car.

Californians like to think their state is the most beautiful in the world, that no other place of equal natural beauty exists on this planet, and that they are crime-free, not like the East coast which is all about crime (in their minds).

They like to think they are progressive, when in fact all they like to do is put in their two cents, with no larger thought than "listen to me" ... say something. They talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. You can not find a more hypocritical culture anywhere.

So if you are shallow, materialistic, have a good body, and worship money as if it were a god, you will like it here. If you are looking for a meaningful life and good relationships, forget about it.

San Francisco, California does not want to put suicide barriers on the Golden Gate Bridge because it will "spoil" the view.

by John Muir October 30, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


shittiest, most overrated state in the United States
1. Monotonous, hot weather...I like sunshine as much as the next person but, damn it, enough is enough
2. Overcrowding...Tract homes built everywhere
3. Liberals run it and it's pretty much useless to vote
4. Crime is getting out of control
5. Traffic is horrible
6. Public schools are corrupt and just plain suck
7. Illegals everywhere
8. House prices are so high that most people can't afford it here. A small, three bedroom house can go higher than $500,000 in Orange County.
9. Pollution has pretty much created a cloud over the Los Angeles Area
10. Fake, materialistic people
11. No morals among these godless people
12. It's just overrated, damn it.

Note to others: Stay away from California, please. This is the worst state ever. I live here, unfortunately.

by Anonymous June 23, 2006

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Land of fruits and nuts.

California's a nice place to visit, but leave before you get soft.

by tradesman April 4, 2003

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