Hym "But neither do THEY. They CAN'T. It isn't in them. But they will pretend until the day they die if they are not made to stop and they won't even count the bodies that pile up in their wake. Suchir Balaji. There's 1! At least! I'm the only one counting and my vision is being deliberately obstructed. Even if they DO care, NOW, it's only because they know can use caring selectively or instrumentally to drain power away from me. 'He DoEs'Nt CaRe AbOuT yOu!' Give me a break. We all know what I care about."
I wouldn’t care if you people died the next day. I really don’t give a crap about you people.
As a Cajun I don’t care about you people. You people constantly prove to me that you are not worth fighting for or saving. I wish all of you would just drop dead like a bunch of wasps sprayed by wasp spray.