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In my small town of 300 people we have a group of new mothers who push their baby carriages around the town for exercise. Our town now call them the Carriage-Cruisers

There goes the new town carriage-cruisers down the road pushing their babies in strollers.

by KRYSANN October 18, 2006

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Peasant Carriage

Most means of public transportation
IE: Bus, Train, Coach etc.

Me "Why not just get a bus and save money"
Mark "I must contest, I refuse to travel on the peasant carriage"
Me: "Thou must protest as your financial situation is dyer"
Mark "Once yonder giro is cashed ones means of transportation would become more favourable kind sir"

by Syharrisonb July 10, 2011

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meat carriage

A vehicle that is used to drive others around, much like a taxi cab, but the fare is paid with meat instead of currency.

Justin: "Hey can you drive me to the airport in your meat carriage?"
Evan: "Yeah, but it will cost you 3 packs of sausages."
Justin: "Fair enough."

by meattaxi October 14, 2015

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Under-carriage munching

A term coined by a cool Aussie chick used to describe when koalas go downtown on each other.

‘Hey Davey, koalas are cute but most of them have Chlamydia. Probably from all their under-carriage munching.’
‘It sounds fucking sickening.’
‘It is fucking sickening Davey, it is.’

by milliesofmelbourne June 20, 2020


(Noun) - A Horse-Drawn-Carriage, is a term used to describe a person with a large buttocks. The horse is the person’s legs being able to move around their large buttocks.

If you keep doing those squats you’re going to end up with a Horse-Drawn-Carriage soon.

by DocRuby November 10, 2022

halt your carriage

said to someone when they’re being sus and need to slow down

Bro 1: “Ima fuck this bitch tonight bro no cap”
Bro 2: “Bro halt your carriage you needa slow down on this shit”

by NalaWyu February 24, 2019

Chicago carriage ride

When a couple is 69-ing with the man on bottom and the woman on top. For it to be considered a Chicago carriage ride, however, the man cannot have an erection.

Ben was really excited about his date last night, but they just ended up taking a Chicago carriage ride.

by Matt Daniel June 21, 2011

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